
Scrape OMT to download assignments and create a workbook

Primary LanguageHTML

How To Use

This repo allows you to do two things:

  1. scrape Open Music Theory to store page titles, links to assignments, and download PDFs of assignments
  2. create a workbook by combine the separate PDFs into one PDF


This project requires Python 3.9 or newer, and uses Poetry for dependency management. If you haven't already done so, install Poetry according to the installation instructions.

Once Poetry is installed, run the command poetry install in the directory containing the pyproject.toml file.

Scrape OMT

The Python library Scrapy does the actual scraping. The spider loads the URL specified in omt/omt/spiders/omt_spider.py (which is https://viva.pressbooks.pub/openmusictheory/part/fundamentals/) and performs the following actions:

  • stores the page title, assignments section, and downloads all PDF files linked to in the assignments section
  • finds the link to the next page, and performs the step above on the next page if it exists

To start scraping:

  1. make sure any PDFs in the omt/assignment_pdfs/assignment_pdfs directory are moved or deleted
  2. navigate to the omt directory with the terminal command cd omt
  3. run the command scrapy runspider omt/spiders/omt_spider.py

The actual scraping takes a while, as there are delays between page loads and file downloads built in to the spider to avoid harming the server.

The scraping process creates a CSV file with all page data called assignments_{datetime}.csv and stores all downloaded PDFs in the omt/assignment_pdfs/assignment_pdfs directory.

Create a workbook

While still in the omt directory, run the command python combine_pdfs.py. This will create a PDF file titled omt_workbook.pdf in the omt/assignment_pdfs/joined directory.