0001 |
Two Sum |
C++ |
43.27% |
Easy |
0007 |
Reverse Integer |
C++ |
25.24% |
Easy |
0011 |
Container With Most Water |
C++ |
43.69% |
Medium |
0013 |
Roman to Integer |
C++ |
52.01% |
Easy |
0014 |
Longest Common Prefix |
C++ |
33.28% |
Easy |
0015 |
3Sum |
C++ |
23.76% |
Medium |
0016 |
3Sum Closest |
C++ |
43.57% |
Medium |
0017 |
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
C++ |
41.06% |
Medium |
0018 |
4Sum |
C++ |
30.15% |
Medium |
0021 |
Merge Two Sorted Lists |
C++ |
46.63% |
Easy |
0036 |
Valid Sudoku |
C++ |
42.51% |
Medium |
0038 |
Count and Say |
C++ |
40.06% |
Easy |
0039 |
Combination Sum |
C++ |
47.69% |
Medium |
0040 |
Combination Sum II |
C++ |
40.94% |
Medium |
0046 |
Permutations |
C++ |
54.41% |
Medium |
0047 |
Permutations II |
C++ |
39.88% |
Medium |
0053 |
Maximum Subarray |
C++ |
43.25% |
Easy |
0058 |
Length of Last Word |
C++ |
32.22% |
Easy |
0062 |
Unique Paths |
C++ |
47.07% |
Medium |
0063 |
Unique Paths II |
C++ |
33.33% |
Medium |
0064 |
Minimum Path Sum |
C++ |
46.30% |
Medium |
0070 |
Climbing Stairs |
C++ |
43.88% |
Easy |
0086 |
Partition List |
C++ |
36.82% |
Medium |
0100 |
Same Tree |
C++ |
49.75% |
Easy |
0104 |
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree |
C++ |
59.94% |
Easy |
0111 |
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree |
C++ |
35.10% |
Easy |
0112 |
Path Sum |
C++ |
37.45% |
Easy |
0121 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock |
C++ |
46.79% |
Easy |
0169 |
Majority Element |
C++ |
52.11% |
Easy |
0198 |
House Robber |
C++ |
40.89% |
Easy |
0215 |
Kth Largest Element in an Array |
C++ |
47.01% |
Medium |
0240 |
Search a 2D Matrix II |
C++ |
40.59% |
Medium |
0337 |
House Robber III |
C++ |
47.71% |
Medium |
0338 |
Counting Bits |
C++ |
64.37% |
Medium |
0343 |
Integer Break |
C++ |
47.57% |
Medium |
0357 |
Count Numbers with Unique Digits |
C++ |
46.78% |
Medium |
0443 |
String Compression |
37.31% |
Easy |
0455 |
Assign Cookies |
C++ |
48.22% |
Easy |
0513 |
Find Bottom Left Tree Value |
C++ |
58.13% |
Medium |
0515 |
Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row |
C++ |
57.52% |
Medium |
0547 |
Friend Circles |
C++ |
53.16% |
Medium |
0646 |
Maximum Length of Pair Chain |
C++ |
48.36% |
Medium |
0684 |
Redundant Connection |
C++ |
51.08% |
Medium |
0712 |
Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings |
C++ |
53.92% |
Medium |
0717 |
1-bit and 2-bit Characters |
49.11% |
Easy |
0718 |
Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray |
C++ |
45.45% |
Medium |
0724 |
Find Pivot Index |
40.81% |
Easy |
0728 |
Self Dividing Numbers |
69.59% |
Easy |
0729 |
My Calendar I |
46.84% |
Medium |
0733 |
Flood Fill |
50.39% |
Easy |
0739 |
Daily Temperatures |
C++ |
59.68% |
Medium |
0740 |
Delete and Earn |
C++ |
45.46% |
Medium |
0744 |
Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target |
C++ |
43.76% |
Easy |
0745 |
Prefix and Suffix Search |
C++ |
30.06% |
Hard |
0746 |
Min Cost Climbing Stairs |
C++ |
46.67% |
Easy |
0747 |
Largest Number At Least Twice of Others |
C++ |
40.34% |
Easy |
0762 |
Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation |
C++ |
58.51% |
Easy |
0792 |
Number of Matching Subsequences |
C++ |
42.35% |
Medium |
0794 |
Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State |
C++ |
29.32% |
Medium |
0796 |
Rotate String |
C++ |
48.83% |
Easy |
0812 |
Largest Triangle Area |
C++ |
55.50% |
Easy |
0814 |
Binary Tree Pruning |
C++ |
70.46% |
Medium |
0821 |
Shortest Distance to a Character |
C++ |
63.04% |
Easy |
0824 |
Goat Latin |
57.24% |
Easy |
0856 |
Score of Parentheses |
C++ |
55.60% |
Medium |
0859 |
Buddy Strings |
C++ |
27.49% |
Easy |
0860 |
Lemonade Change |
C++ |
50.20% |
Easy |
0867 |
Transpose Matrix |
C++ |
63.83% |
Easy |