
Companion app with Vue.js + Tauri to visualise data sent by sensor.

Primary LanguageVue

Knurling companion app

This is a companion app built with Vite(Vue) + Tauri, to track the data send by HC-SR04 sensor.

Tauri 🐂, the back-end part, is built inside Vite. You can find all the files in src-tauri.

src contain the front-end files. Vite provides support for Vue, React, the usual JS... But the app is in Vue.

It has two modes, a DEMO mode if you don't have a sensor, that spawn random points between 20 and 500, and a LIVE mode when working with your sensor.

Btleplug is inserted into a #[tauri::command] to receive data.


Sytem dependencies for Tauri are described here.

Small tweaks

All the tweaks for the chart can be found in src/components/MyChart.vue, const options = ref<ChartOptions<'line'>> and const chartData = computed<ChartData<'line'>>(()

In particular, if you love the look of a Bezier function, change the tension value:

const chartData = computed<ChartData<'line'>>(() => ({
    tension: 0.1,

To run the project:

In a terminal, run the command:

  1. npm run dev

In another terminal, run:

  1. npm run tauri dev

This needs to be done in this order!