
Attempt to make a simple Rust Hello World example in OpenWRT

Primary LanguageMakefile

'Hello World' rust application for OpenWRT


For this example to work you need to have the lang/rust package from Grommish. This package will build the rustc compiler and the cargo application from source tuned for use with dynamically linked musl and softfloat MIPS and MIPS64 targets.

The second dependency is the lang/rust-libstd package which takes the precompiled rust libstd dynamic library (*.so) and packs it in an installable ipk package.


To compile this minimal working example the following steps must be taken:

  1. Install and build the requirements.
  2. Clone this repository in the package/lang directory of the OpenWRT toolchain.
  3. Execute make menuconfig in the toolchain root and select the rust-hello-world application in the Languages menu either with a * or M selector.
  4. Build the package by executing make V=s package/rust-hello-world/{clean,compile} in the root of the toolchain.

When everything goes succesfull you now have an installable ipk in the bin/packages/ directory.