

Chit-ê extension hō͘ lí bián chong su-ji̍p-hoat mā ē-sái phah jī.

  1. Chong hó liáu-āu, iōng niau-chhí tiám chi̍t-ê ē-sái su-ji̍p jī ē só͘-chai.
  2. Lí ē khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t-ê kiàn-pôaⁿ chhut-hiān
  3. Tiám he kiàn-pôaⁿ ē chhut-hiān chi̍t-ê soán-toaⁿ.
  4. He soán-toaⁿ bīn-téng ū chi̍t-hâng jī 'Tâi-gí lô-má-jī', tiám loeh-khì.
  5. Chit-má lí eng-kai ē-sái phah Tâi-gí ah
  6. Lí mā ē-sái ni̍h ctrl+m lâi ōaⁿ-tiāu su-ji̍p-hoat.


Tī 'libs' lāi ê lóng m̄-sī góa siá ê, in ū ka-tī ê license.



This extension help to type Taiwanese w/o install Taiwanese input method.

  1. After installed, use mouse click anything can type text.
  2. You will found there is a small keyboard showup.
  3. Click that keyboard will open a menu.
  4. In that menu, click 'Tâi-gí lô-má-jī'.
  5. You can type Taiwanese now.
  6. You can also use ctrl+m to switch input method.


Files in directory 'libs' are not written by me, they have their own license.