This repository contains the files used to create this custom GPT which allows users to send emails to recipient emails with the subject and content generated by the GPT model.
- Chatbot-like interface using Streamlit
- Uses the Assistants API of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo model
- Uses the MailJet API to enable email delivery
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd Reports-With-MySQL-Query-using-GPT
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
The get_keys() function returns the keys from a file
from secrets2 import get_keys
openai_secret_key, mailjet_api_key, mailjet_api_secret, db_pwd = get_keys()
I have added functionality to add keys to a sidebar widget before interacting with the ChatBot.
st.sidebar.header('Required API Keys')
#Add input widgets to the sidebar for three strings
mailjet_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter MailJet API's public key", '', type='password')
mailjet_api_secret = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter MailJet API's private key", '', type='password')
openai_secret_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter OpenAI's API key", '', type='password')
Run the web-app
streamlit run
Add your own Assistant ID to a assistant_id.txt file
Don't forget to add your own Assistant ID to a assistant_id.txt file