README file for project

This project contains code for building an containerized application for my raspberry pi k8s cluster. The application assues each node in the cluster has some neopixels attached to the gpio pins and visualizes the number of pods running on each node.

(for the time being, the application actually just shows a rainbow visualization of the neopixels.... work in progress)


  • src/ - the source python files
  • Dockerfile - to build the container
  • cloudbuild.yaml - to use GCP's cloud build that uses the dockerfile to build the container
  • - this file

To Build

try these commands:

  • % gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml : to use GCP to build the container and store in GCR
  • % docker pull : on an RPI with docker to pull the image
  • % docker run --privileged : to run the image. if you have the neopixels plugged in, then they should start oscilating in color.
