
get the stats

Primary LanguageSourcePawn


credits - me, Alkatraz, Nairda, Oblivious, Xutax, xWidovV, Tekno/f0e, Kaldun, Shavit Timer contributors

Central plugin for calling bhop statistic forwards and a plugin for displaying that information.

These plugins were created to be used in tandem with my sync style, sync style. This style breaks probably every other SSJ/Jhud/Trainer, so you will need jumpstats. I also just wanted to make it easier for other people to make changes to these types of plugins in the future. Now devs will not have to worry about making mistakes with calculations, and can easily make changes they like.

Jumpstats - Drop-in replacement for Jhud, Trainer, Offsets, Speedometer, SSJ, FJT, and Showkeys. Most (if not all) of these HUDs are more full-featured or accurate on my versions.

Get Stats - Supports jump stats (and hopefully other devs plugins in the future), by reducing redundant calculations.


Press the green "Code" button at the top, and download the zip. Extract the zip, then drag the plugins folder into cstrike/addons/sourcemod.

JumpStats (Open Menu):

  - /js
  - /jhud /trainer /strafetrainer /offsets /offset /ssj /speedometer /speed /fjt 
  - (Enabled by default in CVARS, but disablable commands)


  • The only CVARs are for jumpstats, and only control if jumpstats will override default commands from other plugins like /jhud, or /showkeys. All enabled by default.


  • bhop-get-stats.smx (in this repo) the central plugin. You cannot just install jumpstats by itself, you MUST HAVE bhop-get-stats.smx
  • (JumpStats) -> Dynamic Channels
  • (JumpStats) -> (OPTIONAL) Shavit For FJT Hud/Time SSJ/Time Delta SJJ options


  • JumpStats Overall

    • All HUD elements can be adjusted to be positioned pretty much anywhere on the screen
    • Menus for all of these HUDs have been merged
    • All HUDs should be properly displayed to spectators
  • JumpStats Colors

    • All (color-relevant) HUD element colors are changeable but have inherent links
    • You can adjust colors by "action", so you can change the color of any "bad action"/"good action", and all HUDs will reflect that color
    • The reasoning behind this, is doing it differently drastically ups code complexity/memory and I just don't see a need, this feature is already overkill
    • Defaults:
      • 90+ Gain / High Speed SSJ / -1 Offset / 90-100 JSS: White
      • 80+ Gain / Decent Speed SSJ / 0 Offset / 80-90 JSS: Cyan
      • 70+ Gain / Meh Speed SSJ / -2 Offset / 70-89 JSS: Green
      • 60+ Gain / Bad Speed SSJ / -3 Offset / 60-70 JSS: Orange
      • Any gain lower than 60 / Terrible Speed SSJ / Any positive offset, or below -4 / Any JSS Above 100 or below 60: Red
  • I had a changelog here for each plugin, but I cannot keep up with it. Just know I've added a shit ton of features and improvements to almost every single plugin I've merged into this one. There are also better changelogs in my discord.