About this Repo

This repo contains my notes of LeetCode problems. This ReadMe file will provide an overview of the types and subtypes of LeetCode Problems.

LeetCode Problems Overview

☑ Arrays

  • ☑ Two-Pointers

Binary Tree

  • ☑ DFS Traversals (Recursive, Iterative, Morris)
    • ☑ Preorder
    • ☑ Inorder
    • Postorder
  • ☑ BFS /Level-Order Traversal
  • ☑ Serialization & Deserialization
  • ☑ Binary Search Trees
  • ☑ Common Ancestor

Sort & Selection

  • ☑ Merge Sort
  • ☑ Quick Sort
  • ☑ Quick Select


  • Basic Graph Concepts
    • Basic Traversal
    • Vertices, Edges, Degree

  • BFS
  • DFS

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