
Introduction to AWS Serverless

Primary LanguagePython

REPS & Co -- AWS Serverless Demo

Quick note -- Work-in-Progress

This is a work-in-progress/concept I put together for a meetup to present SAM CLI.

You'll have to follow some of the getting started tutorials for getting all the dependencies.

Also check out https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ (used in the makefiles)

Please feel free to submit issues/pull_requests w/ questions/concerns/improvements/needs.

My intention is to turn this repo into a "Serverless Scaffold" that will include logical placement of settings.py, logging conventions, and other boilerplate to enable faster development while maintaining thoughtful best-practices (like the Makefile scheme).

Introduction to AWS Serverless

Google Slides - REPS Prezo -- AWS Series -- Serverless Applications with Python

Hello Upper, a very basic serverless application (single file lambda function)

Hello Upper

Given a word, return a lowercase or uppercase version.

This is just to show how to bundle and zip a very simple application

S3 Trigger Events Application using AWS SAM

S3 Triggers

Follow the guide for installation:


See the Changelog for the latest happenings to this repo.