This project is about how to recreate the function printf and how to learn to using variadic arguments.

Primary LanguageC


This project is about how to recreate the function printf and how to learn using variadic arguments.

Mandatory part :

  • manage any combination of the following conversions : cspdiuxX%
  • manage any combination of the following flags : -0.*
  • manage minimum field width with all conversions

Bonus part :

  • conversions : n
  • flags : l ll h hh

Building Mandatory part

$> git clone https://github.com/lilafallet/PRINTF_42.git

$> cd PRINTF_42

$> make

$> clang -Wall -Wextra main/main.c -I./includes -I./libft/ -L. -lftprintf

$> ./a.out

Testing :

  • First line and first ret : real printf function
  • Second line and second ret : my printf

Building Bonus part

$> git clone https://github.com/lilafallet/PRINTF_42.git

$> cd PRINTF_42

$> make

$> clang -Wall -Wextra main/main_bonus.c -I./includes_bonus -I./libft/ -L. -lftprintf

$> ./a.out

Testing :

  • First line and first ret : real printf function
  • Second line and second ret : my printf