
  • Artist website redesign (original site:

  • Trello board (

  • What is the goal of the project?

    To begin work on a complete redesign and deployment of my parents' website. They are professional sculptors with an outdated website. My goal is to build a rails application that allows them to showcase their work. I don't anticipate completing full redesign over the break with all content and links, so I am breaking it down into a simpler version to complete. This can serve as an intial 'draft' of the site to give them an idea of how the design and layout will work.

  • Who is the target audience (can be just yourself)?

    It is for the benefit of my parents, but also for potential customers of their work. I also am excited by the idea of taking on the development of a 'real' site that will be used for my parents business.

  • What are your personal learning goals?

    My goals are to gain experience working with a customer and how that can affect managing a project. I also plan this as a review of my skills in ruby/rails, although I intend to incorporate some javascript into the app. Design is another aspect of this project I look forward to practicing. I don't feel particularly confident with my design choices, so this will give me an opportunity to explore. I will probably use bootstrap as a start.

  • What technologies/frameworks/patterns will you be employing?

    Ruby, Rails, Javascript(JQuery + Ajax). I will attempt to follow TDD development of the ruby portions of the project.

  • What are the tech and/or skill dependencies of your project?

    Ability to plan out a realistic part of this redesign that fits into 10-15 hours. I anticipate this being a start to the larger redo. Therefore, I have identified certain aspects to begin with. I'm aiming for a dynamic home or index page that loads the show pages without refreshing the browser, which will be my chance to solidify my JQuery and Ajax skills we learned with Jukebox.

  • What does success look like for this project? What does done mean?

    My goal is to have a new home page that incorporates some javascript to load content. In addition to this, I aim to have index and show pages for each of my parent's work. To begin, I will work on index/show pages for their bronze work only, and after this break incorpoate pages for the other forms of art that will eventually live on the site. I will create a contact page and explore ways to use javascript to work with image display.