A package to generate summaries of long-form text and evaluate the coherence of these summaries. Official package for our ICLR 2024 paper, "BooookScore: A systematic exploration of book-length summarization in the era of LLMs".
- 4hflyNational Cheng Kung University
- aflah02Max Planck Institute for Software Systems: MPI SWS
- akzaidi@Microsoft
- callanwuNanjing
- Chen-Wang-CUHKHong Kong
- ChenxinAn-fduFudan University, The university of Hong Kong
- CxsGhostEast China Normal University
- denisfitz57
- dotpyuBrown University
- Eris2025
- fengyunzaidushi
- fly51flyPRIS
- hclscut
- hee-suk-yoonKAIST
- JoeYing1019Harbin Institute of Technology(Shenzhen)
- jon-chunKenyon College
- Kenan-jeff-Jiang
- koala73
- lilakk
- liujiahengAlibaba Group
- LiuTielong
- LouChao98
- loweroctaveChicago, IL
- LuckyyySTA
- mantle2048Fudan University
- martiansideofthemoonSenior Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
- niknoproblems
- PkuRainBowSeniorResearcher@MicrosoftResearch
- PlutoniaX
- purang2UNIST
- qroamiscas
- RavoxsgNTU
- RayFernando1337Los Altos, CA
- shtoshniNVIDIA
- SimengSun
- wudangtNope~