
p-joker -- iOS/MacOS kernelcache/kexts analysis tool

Primary LanguagePython

p-joker -- iOS/MacOS Kernelcache/Extensions analysis tool

For iOS kernelcache, this tool support 64bit kernelcache and have tested on iOS10/iOS11/iOS12/iOS13 kernelcache
For MacOS kernel extensions, it support all the extensions' mach-o file.


for p-joker.py (support iOS kernelcache analysis only, and -e feature can support iOS 12/13 now)

Usage: python p-joker.py kernelcache -hkl [-K bundleID]

  Usage: python p-joker.py kernelcache -hkls [-Ke bundleID(or list)] [-d dir]
   -h, --help
   -k, --kext_list: list all the kext informations
   -K, --kextdump kext_bundle_identifier: dump this kext
   -d, --dir dumpdir: set the output dir
   -l, --lzss: decrypted the kernelcache
   -e, --extract: extract all meta classes and their methods for given extension bundleID  

For example:
   decrypt kernelcache, support bvx and complzss format:
  	 $ python p-joker.py kernelcache.encrypted -l

   list all the kexts info:
  	 $ python p-joker.py kernelcache.decrypted -k

   dump certain kext from kernelcache:
  	 $ python p-joker.py kernelcache.decrypted -K com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily
  	 $ python p-joker.py path/to/kernelcache -K all [-d dir]

   extract all meta class and their functions information for all extensions within kernelcache:
  	 $ python p-joker.py kernelcache.decrypted -e "['all']"

   extract all meta class and their functions information for certain extensions within kernelcache:
  	 $ python p-joker.py kernelcache.decrypted -e "['com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily']"

for p-extension.py (support macOS only)

Usage: python p-extensions.py -mpfc extension_path/extension_macho
   -h, --help
   -C, --classes: get all the metaclass for all extensions' macho file in the given extension_path
   -c, --class: get all the metaclass for one extension macho
   -m, --macho: only analyze one kernel extension macho
   -M, --machoes: analyze all kernel extensions' macho file in the given extension_path

Dependent libraries

capstone=5.0.0 (https://github.com/aquynh/capstone/tree/next)

Note: please install the capstone in their next branch, which can support PAC instructions set

Support platforms


if you have any questions, contact me on Twitter (@Lilang_Wu)