
Ratings and Reviews REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

REST API Usage and Deployment Guide

A redesigned and scalable Rest API using:

  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • PM2
  • dotenv

Deployed on AWS EC2 instances, and stress-tested with:

Getting Started

To run the node server locally:

  • Clone this repo
  • npm install to install project dependencies
  • Install PostgreSQL and configure per instructions below
  • Update the .env.example file

Express Application Server

1. Install project dependencies - you will need to have Node installed

  • run npm install to install dependencies

PostgreSQL Database 💾

The following instructions were used for installing and configuring Postgres v14 on both Ubuntu 20.04 and macOS systems.

Why PostgreSQL? 🐘

The needs of this REST API required the database to return a nested object to the front-end. PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database, and is known for its reliability and performance. The software is capable of performing aggregate functions that were necessary for the API's /meta endpoint.

To Install for (Ubuntu 20.04)

1. Update packages
  • apt, also known as apt-get, is a package handler for Ubuntu
  • The following commands will update the package lists that are configured inside /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Confirm you want to continue by entering y when prompted.

  • Or, if you prefer to breeze past the confirmation dialogs, use the -y option:
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
2. Install PostgreSQL
sudo apt install postgresql

Confirm you want to continue by entering y when prompted.

3. OPTIONAL: Assert the service is running:
sudo systemctl status postgresql

Likewise, to start the service:

sudo systemctl start postgresql

And to stop the service:

sudo systemctl stop postgresql

To Install PostgreSQL with Homebrew

1. Install Homebrew
  • Follow the instructions on the Homebrew site.
2. Install PostgreSQL with Homebrew
  • Helpful instructions are available here 🙏
3. OPTIONAL: Assert the service is running:

To start the service with Homebrew and automatically enable launch at login:

brew services start postgresql

Check the status of your installed Homebrew services:

brew services list

To stop the service:

sudo systemctl stop postgresql
  • For a full list of available Homebrew commands:
brew services -h

OR, Download an installer for your OS

Configure Postgres

1. Access PSQL as postgres (the default user)
sudo -u postgres psql

You should see in your terminal :


2. Create a database as a test
CREATE DATABASE your_database;

Note the trailing semicolons in SQL code!

The semicolon is often, though not always, used in SQL code as a statement terminator.

3. Create a user and password

Wrap your chosen password in single quotes:

CREATE USER your_username WITH PASSWORD 'password';

If this was successful, you should see CREATE ROLE in the terminal.

4. Alter permissions for the new user:
GRANT ALL TO your_username ON your_database;

More Official PostgreSQL resources

Getting Started With PostgreSQL DOCS

Basic SQL commands in PostgreSQL to get you started:

  • \q - Exit psql

  • \l or \l+ - List databases

  • \dt or dt+ - List tables

  • \c + <your_database> to change to a different database

  • Press q to close a command menu if the terminal displays a : or (END)

5. Run the .SQL script to load csv files into the database

  • From the terminal of your PostgreSQL server, run:
psql postgres -f ./pg_reviews_etl.sql
  • Transferring from .CSV files to a temporary table first, as type TEXT, is significantly faster, but does require more RAM. Once the file(s) are loaded into PostgreSQL, they are parsed with data type constraints and foreign keys and indexes are added. The temporary tables are dropped to free up memory space before proceeding to the next file.

  • I used SCP to send .CSV files to my virtual machine instance. I deployed on AWS EC2 t2.micro This API is designed to be scale-agnostic and will work with any cloud service running Ubuntu Server 20.04.

6. Set up the .env file to use with the Express application server instances. The variables should correspond with the PostgreSQL config settings

... SSH into the remote machine, install node, etc...

7. Start the Express Server

  • npm start Runs the Express app server using nodemon

8. Install PM2 to daemonize the server process. I'd suggest using a startup script, and configuring to reload if it crashes

9. Test your server with K6 (locally) or [loader.io].

10. To increase throughput and decrease load on any one particular app server, install NGINX as a web server in front of your app server instances.

Load Balancer


proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=myzone:10m
loader_threshold=300 loader_files=200;

upstream reviews_api {
  server  3.33.333.333:3000/;

server {
  listen  80;
  listen  [::]:80;

  proxy_cache myzone;
  proxy_cache_valid 5m;

  location / {
    proxy_pass  http://reviews_api;

Using the API

Base endpoint:


product_id is required for all endpoints

GET reviews for a product_id

  GET /reviews/&product_id=12345
Example with multiple query parameters:
  GET /reviews/&product_id=12345&sort=date&count=10
Query Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
product_id int YES Will return an error if invalid
sort string NO date, relevance, helpful. Default 'relevance' sorts by date first, then by average helpfulness
count int NO Results per page. Default 5
page int NO Which page of results to return. Default 1

Meta endpoint

Returns metadata for a current project

  GET /reviews/meta:product_id
Parameter Type Required Description
product_id int YES Will return an error if invalid
  "product_id": "2",
  "ratings": {
    2: 1,
    3: 1,
    4: 2,
    // ...
  "recommended": {
    0: 5
    // ...
  "characteristics": {
    "Size": {
      "id": 14,
      "value": "4.0000"
    "Width": {
      "id": 15,
      "value": "3.5000"
    "Comfort": {
      "id": 16,
      "value": "4.0000"
    // ...

POST New Reviews

  POST /reviews
Inserts a new review into the database.

Photos must be an array of objects, formatted as such:

    // ...
Body Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
product_id integer YES Required ID
rating int NO Integer (1-5) indicating the review rating
summary text NO Summary text of the review
body text NO Continued or full text of the review
recommend bool NO Value indicating if the reviewer recommends the product
name text YES Username for question asker
email text YES Email address for question asker
photos [text] NO Array of text urls that link to images to be shown
characteristics object NO Object of keys representing characteristic_id and values. { "14": 5, "15": 5 //...}

Mark Review as Helpful

  PUT /reviews/:review_id/helpful
Parameter Type Required Description
product_id int YES Will return an error if invalid

Report Review

  PUT /reviews/:review_id/report

Updates a review to show it was reported. Note, this action does not delete the review, but the review will not be returned in the above GET request.

Parameter Type Required Description
product_id int YES Will return an error if invalid


S. Barker Dudley