
Game of Clue Artificial Intelligence implemented in GNU prolog

Primary LanguageProlog

An implementation of a Game of Clue Artificial Intelligence system

This is purely the AI engine of the game, not THE game. A user will have to
maintain input to the AI and essentially play for the AI as a proxy.

Compile with:

	['clue.pl', 'list.pl', 'internal.pl', 'dynamic.pl', 'clue_cli.pl'].

How To use:

	Type 'run.' to start the game, follow onscreen instructions

	To run a scripted game, such as game.txt, use:

	$ cat game.txt - | prolog


	AI Improvements beyond the scope of this project

	GUI or Better CLI: Interface with Prolog with C, PHP, or Java. PHP would
		provide for a good Web-Based AI


	Game rules: http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~kcrumpto/TAClasses/ClueRules.html
