
🐙 OctoCost is an AppDaemon app for Home Assistant which calculates, daily, monthly and yearly Octopus Energy costs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Please consider signing up to Octopus Energy with my referral code: https://share.octopus.energy/mauve-ash-375 to give you and me £50 credit in the mean time.

Want to motivate me to improve this quicker? Sponsor me to work on it 😉 💖


OctoCostToo is an AppDaemon app for Home Assistant which calculates the daily, monthly and yearly cost and usage of the Octopus Energy tariffs. This is a refactored and improved fork of the now archived octocost.

By default OctoCostToo only gathers usage and cost information for the current (as of Jan 2021) Agile tariff: AGILE-18-02-21 but can be configured to gather usage and cost information for an another electricity tariff, giving you the opportunity to compare your current tariff to the Agile tariff.

Usage and cost information can also be gathered for a gas tariff.

OctoCostToo creates and sets sensors for daily, monthly and yearly cost (£) and usage (kWh), up to and including yesterday:


If a comparison electricity tariff is configured, OctoCostToo will also create the following sensors:


If the gas section is configured, OctoCostToo will also create the following sensors:


The data is updated once every two hours, although in reality the data Octopus Energy gets only seems to be updated once a day, so this is a compromise between trying to be up-to-date, and not hammering their servers, when the data doesn't update very frequently anyway.


Use HACS or download the tarball and extract the OctoCostToo directory from inside the apps directory to your local apps directory, then add the configuration to enable the OctoCostToo module.

Apps.yaml Configuration

  module: octocosttoo 
  class: OctoCostToo 
  region: H
  mpan: <13 digit MPAN number>
  serial:  <Serial number>
  auth: <Octopus Energy API Key>
  start_date: 2020-02-23
  comparison_tariff: FIX-12M-20-02-12
    mprn: <Gas MPRN number>
    gas_serial: <Gas meter serial number>
    gas_tariff: FIX-12M-20-02-12
    gas_start_date: 2020-02-23

The module and class sections need to remain as above, other sections should be changed as required. The whole gas section is optional and can be excluded if not required.

Field Changeable Example
Title Yes octocosttoo
module No octocosttoo
class No OctoCostToo
region Yes H
mpan Yes 2000012345678
serial Yes 20L123456
auth Yes sk_live_abcdefg
start_date Yes 2020-02-23
comparison_tariff Yes FIX-12M-20-02-12
gas: Yes
mprn Yes 1234567890
gas_serial Yes E1S12345678901
gas_tariff Yes FIX-12M-20-02-12
gas_start_date Yes 2020-02-23

The start_date setting should be set to the date you started on the Agile Octopus tariff, not the date you joined Octopus Energy. It is used to adjust the start point if you joined within the current year or month, it should not be left blank if you joined earlier. region is the region letter from the end of E-1R-AGILE-18-02-21-H which can be found on the Octopus Energy developer dashboard webpage in the Unit Rates section for your account.


  • OctoCostToo only caters for single-rate comparison electricity and gas tariffs.

Lovelace UI Cards

Once the sensors are created, they can be displayed as cards within the Lovelace UI. For example:

- entities:
    - entity: sensor.octopus_yearly_usage
      icon: 'mdi:flash'
      name: Yearly Usage (kWh)
    - entity: sensor.octopus_yearly_cost
      icon: 'mdi:cash'
      name: Yearly Cost (£)
    - entity: sensor.octopus_monthly_usage
      icon: 'mdi:flash'
      name: Monthly Usage (kWh)
    - entity: sensor.octopus_monthly_cost
      icon: 'mdi:cash'
      name: Monthly Cost (£)
  show_icon: true
  title: Octopus Usage / Cost
  type: glance

Example Lovelace UI Usage and Cost glance card


Want to contribute to this project? Great! Fork the repo, make your changes (don't forget to add tests 😉) and submit a pull request.

You can install the necessary dependencies and run the tests locally as follows:

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
$ pytest


OctoCostToo is a fork of the original octocost.

NOTE: The configuration for OctoCostToo is not compatible with the original.