TIST'23, On the Relationship between Explanation and Recommendation: Learning to Rank Explanations for Improved Performance

Primary LanguagePython

BPER+ (Bayesian Personalized Explanation Ranking enhanced by BERT)


Datasets to download

  • Amazon Movies & TV
  • TripAdvisor Hong Kong
  • Yelp 2019

If you are interested in how to create the datasets, please refer to EXTRA.


Below is an example of how to run BPER+.

python -u run_bperp.py \
--cuda \
--data_dir ../Amazon/ \
--index_dir ../Amazon/2/ \
--lr 0.0001 >> bperp.log

Use pre-downloaded BERT

python -u run_bperp.py \
--cuda \
--data_dir ../Amazon/ \
--index_dir ../Amazon/2/ \
--model_name ./bert-base-uncased/ \
--lr 0.0001 >> bperp.log

Friendly reminders

  • If you want to do follow-up works on our BPER/BPER-J, please modify the code of BPER+, as it is more efficient.
  • If you do so, please set the maximum iteration number to a relatively large value, e.g., --epochs 50.

Code dependencies

  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 1.6

Code reference


	title={On the Relationship between Explanation and Recommendation: Learning to Rank Explanations for Improved Performance},
	author={Li, Lei and Zhang, Yongfeng and Chen, Li},
	journal={ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)},
	title={EXTRA: Explanation Ranking Datasets for Explainable Recommendation},
	author={Li, Lei and Zhang, Yongfeng and Chen, Li},