
AliTrace Simulator is a simulator that could simulate events of tasks or severs in the Aliyun's cluster using the 24 hours' trace data, ClusterData201708

Primary LanguageC++


AliTrace Simulator is a simulator that could simulate events of tasks or severs in the Aliyun's cluster using the 24 hours' trace data, ClusterData201708 (https://goo.gl/forms/eOoe6DwZQpd2H5n53). The events contain the addition, deletions or failures of batch instance or servers. Now it could successfully output the number of batch tasks in the cluster at a specified time. Plus, it could record the changes of the number of tasks and used CPU or memory of each machine at a specified time, which is as real as described in the trace data.

The class diagram of AliTraceSimualtor is as following:




