
OneSchool is an intuituve solution for teachers to quickly access and manage related items to students in their respective classes. Included options are Attendance, Markbook and Inventories for the GYM and Science Depts. Rather than opening multiple applications, OneSchool is the all in one application that all teachers need, as it is easy and convenient to use.

User Case Diagram:

User Case Diagram

The above user case diagram represents the teacher interation with the platform and the various options available upon use of the program. The diagram details the 4 essential operands available as well as the interactions causing the operands and overall operating. It details the program experience from start to finish, from the teacher loggin onto the system, user verification protocol, and then the actual operands to add marks, check out equipment, take attendance, etc.

Program Operands:

The program begins at the dashboard, which consists of a NavBar, a quick summary, private notes, current date & time, and the quick metrics for the attendance & equipment sign out operands. The quick metrics consist of the number of students present, total number of science equipment available, and the total number of Gym equipment available. The NavBar consists of the buttons to initiate any of the operands and close the program/log out.

Mark Book:

The mark book is a utility to store, retrieve and calculate individual student marks and class averages. Some of the data fields present within the mark book database are names, assignment details, marks, and current overall mark. Any changes made to the markbook are relayed back and forth to the text file database. Aditionally, each teacher profile contains class data and acessibility for every course they are teaching in that semester. As such they are able to quickly access the different markbook for the different courses.

Quick Summary:

  • Displays students names and their marks for the assignment and their average mark
  • Drop down menu to pick which class you want to check on
  • Teachers can add more marks and assignments and can change the marks if they want to

Inventory Tables:

The inventory operand allows for the teacher to view all gym and science equipment to sign out for use. The inventory is formatted in a table, displaying the item, quantity and current status of availability. In addition to being able to sign out the equipment, teachers are able to add more equipment and adjust the respective data fields accordingly. The backend of the equipment operand is handled by the respective Science, or Phys Ed department, where there duties are to not only ensure the inventory database is up to date, but when equipment is signed out, source it to a single location for convenience.

Quick Summary

  • Displays the inventory for the gym and science department
  • Shows the iteam, iteam#, quantity, and the status of the iteam
  • Teachers can add iteams and assign them to students


Usage of the program is through the executable JAR File. Additionally cloning the repository into a local IDE and running is another possibility.

Username and Password not needed, just press login