
Primary LanguagePython



  • torch==1.6.0
  • transformers==3.4.0
  • pytest==5.3.2
  • scikit-learn==0.22.1
  • scipy==1.4.1
  • nltk==3.4.5

Explore our dataset

We release a subset dataset (1000 samples containing). Please feel free to explore it, and the whole dataset will be released once our paper is accepted.

Steps to explore the dataset:

  1. Download images from MS COCO: WebsiteMSCOCO

    Please download the 2017 Train, 2017 Val, and 2017 Panoptic Train/Val.

  2. The subset dataset is in the folder './benchmark', file named 'sub_ris.json'.

  3. The ground truth mask of each sample can be obtained by 'get_mask.py' in the same folder. Remember to set the correct path to panoptic 2017.

The format of the annotation:


'file_name' denotes the name of the image, 'sentence' denotes the query sentence, 'pan_seg_file' denotes the name of the segmentation image, and 'id' helps to find the target area.

Steps to train DuMoGa

  1. Download the pre-processed data, unzip the file into '.benchmark/':


  1. Run the scripts below:
python train.py