
Demo in Android Studio with JAVA

COMP2601:    Assignment1
Author:      Lilian Wang
Student#:    101087269
Date:        Feb 6, 2019
Instructor:  Louis Nel

Virtual Device Info:
	Name: Nexus_5X
	Size: 5.2"
	Target:	Android API 28(Google Play)
	CPU/ABI: Google Play Intel Atom (x86)
	Startup orientation: Portrait
	Android Version: 9.0
	RAM: 1536MB
	VM heap: 256MB
	Internal Storage: 800MB

Source Files:
	readme.txt: 			Introduction of the application
	BYODMidtermApp:			The file of the application of BYOD Midterm App

Application Introduction:
	A button:	Click to chose the A answer as user answer, Click again to cancel the A answer.
	B button:	Click to chose the B answer as user answer, Click again to cancel the B answer.
	C button:	Click to chose the C answer as user answer, Click again to cancel the C answer.
	D button:	Click to chose the D answer as user answer, Click again to cancel the D answer.
	E button:	Click to chose the E answer as user answer, Click again to cancel the E answer.
	PREV button:	Click to read the previous question that they have already seen or answered(only if there have previous question).
	NEXT button:	Click to read the next question (only if there has next question).
	SUBMIT button:	Click to finish the quiz, email the answer to a designated email.

Execution Process:
	Run the application in the Android Device between API 24 to 28(Preferred 28).

	** When the start or destination is changing or not set up yet the application is not able to solve

	Use Android Studio (Version 3.2.1) to open the BYOD Midterm App.
	Create a new virtual Device with Android API 28(Google Play).

	Click option button(A, B, C, D or E) to answer the question.
	Click PREV or NEXT button to read and review the last and next questions.
	Click SUBMIT button to finish the quiz and send XML to the Email.