
CLI for Replicate

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Replicate CLI



If you're using macOS, you can install the Replicate CLI using Homebrew:

brew tap replicate/tap
brew install replicate

Or you can build from source and install it with these commands (requires Go 1.20 or later):

sudo make install


Grab your API token from replicate.com/account and set the REPLICATE_API_TOKEN environment variable.

$ export REPLICATE_API_TOKEN=<your token here>

  replicate [command]

Core commands:
  model       Interact with models
  prediction  Interact with predictions
  training    Interact with trainings

Alias commands:
  run         Alias for "prediction create"
  train       Alias for "training create"

Additional Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command

  -h, --help      help for replicate
  -v, --version   version for replicate

Use "replicate [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create a prediction

Generate an image with SDXL.

$ replicate run stability-ai/sdxl \
      prompt="a studio photo of a rainbow colored corgi"
Prediction created: https://replicate.com/p/jpgp263bdekvxileu2ppsy46v4

Chain multiple predictions

Generate an image with SDXL and upscale that image with ESRGAN.

$ replicate run stability-ai/sdxl \
      prompt="a studio photo of a rainbow colored corgi" | \
  replicate run nightmareai/real-esrgan --web \
# opens prediction in browser (https://replicate.com/p/jpgp263bdekvxileu2ppsy46v4)

Fine-tune a model

Fine-tune SDXL with your own images:

$ replicate train --destination mattt/sdxl-dreambooth --web \
      replicate/sdxl \
      input_images=@path/to/pictures.zip \
# opens the training in browser

See our blog post about fine-tuning with SDXL.

View a model's inputs and outputs

Get the schema for SunoAI Bark

$ replicate model schema suno-ai/bark
- prompt: Input prompt (type: string)
- history_prompt: history choice for audio cloning, choose from the list (type: )
- custom_history_prompt: Provide your own .npz file with history choice for audio cloning, this will override the previous history_prompt setting (type: string)
- text_temp: generation temperature (1.0 more diverse, 0.0 more conservative) (type: number)
- waveform_temp: generation temperature (1.0 more diverse, 0.0 more conservative) (type: number)
- output_full: return full generation as a .npz file to be used as a history prompt (type: boolean)

- type: object