
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Kolab is an app that allows users to connect based on their interests. In Kolab people can create and join groups, create posts, comment, like&dislike them, chat and video chat.

User Stories


  • As an anon/user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault Signup:
  • As an anon I can sign up in the platform so that I can start creating and managing my backlog
  • User can select a screen with a category, after that the user is presented with 1 or more groups that belong to that category Login:
  • As a user I can login to the platform so that I can start creating and managing my backlog Logout:
  • As a user I can logout from the platform so no one else can modify my information Groups
  • User can create groups, groups are linked to categories and tags
  • Groups have an admin
  • Admin can CRUD posts (or only delete)
  • User can choose groups he wants to belong to
  • User can search for groups based on name / categories / tags Posts
  • User can create a new post
  • The posts in the group can be liked / disliked
  • The posts can be shared by other users on other social media
  • Users can comment on a post
  • Comments can be liked or disliked Chat:
  • Users can chat 1💯 VideoChat:*
  • Users can hav video chat 1:1 Feed
  • User can see a feed with the latest posts of all the groups of categories
  • User can click on a particular post and be redirected to the post-page PROFILE
  • User can set/change username, categories, description, profile picture


  • Video calls
  • Calendar
  • Virtual reality machine learning AI integration with neurolink to guess Manish's age
  • Chat with multiple people
  • Invite email to join specific group (deeplinks?)
  • Cool animations
  • See friends on /:group page

Client / Frontend

React Router Routes (React App)

Path Component Permissions Behavior
/ LandingPage, LandingNavBar public <Route> Conditionally renders signin/signup with pop-up. Shows friend request
/signup/category SignupCategoryPage user only <PrivateRoute> Forces user to pick at least 1 category
/signup/group JoinGroupPage user only <PrivateRoute> Display GroupCards that navigate to the /:group page
/home HomePage, Sidebar, PostCard, Navbar user only <PrivateRoute> Displays PostCard(s) in a feed, post navigate to /:post
/explore ExplorePage, NavBar, PostCard, SearchBar user only <PrivateRoute> Dsplays GroupCard(s), clicking on GroupCard navigates to /:group
/:group GroupPage, NavBar, SideBar, PostCard user only <PrivateRoute> Conditional rendering for buttons, user can click on posts, and on interactions with post (like / share)
/:post PostPage, Sidebar, Navbar, FullPost, Comment, AddComment user only <PrivateRoute> Displays full post, users can add comments
/chat/:user ChatPage, NavBar, Chat user only <PrivateRoute> Allows user to chat with another user
/profile/:user ProfilePage, SearchForm, SearchResults user only <PrivateRoute> Shows the profile of a user including groups and posts
/friends FriendsPage,NavBar, UserDetail user only <PrivateRoute> Shows your friends
/people PeoplePage, NavBar, UserDetail user only <PrivateRoute> Shows all the people, allows to search for people


  • Navbar
  • Sidebar
  • SignUpForm
  • LogInForm
  • GroupCard
  • AddGroup
  • AddPost
  • PostCard
  • UserCard
  • SearchBar
  • FullPost
  • CommentCards
  • AddComment
  • AddEvent
  • Animation
  • Calendar
  • CategoryCard
  • CommentCard
  • EditGroup
  • EventCard
  • FlashMessage
  • NotificationBoard
  • Pagination


  • LandingPage
  • SignupCategoryPage
  • SignupGroupPage
  • HomePage
  • GroupPage
  • ExplorePage
  • PostPage
  • ChatPage
  • PeoplePage
  • FriendsPage
  • NotFoundPage
  • ChatPage
  • EventPage
  • VideoChatPage
  • UserPage


  • Socket IO
  • Cloudinary
  • LottieFiles
  • AxiosullCalendar
  • MaterialUI

Server / Backend


Categories: art, sports, science, lifestyle, nature, politics, entartainment, other.

User model

  username: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
  email: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
  password: {type: String, required: true},
  image_url: {type: String, required: true},
  admin: Boolean,
  description: {type: String, required: true},
  categories: [{type: String, enum: ['art', 'sports', 'science', 'lifestyle', 'nature', 'politics', 'entertainment', 'other']}],
  groups: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'group'}]
  posts: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'posts'}],
  friends: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}],
  friendRequests: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'user'}]

Posts model

  timestamp: true,
  image_url: String,
  title: {type: String, required: true},
  content: {type: String, required: true},
  likes: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}],
  dislikes: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}],
  comments: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}],
  groupOrigin: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'group'}]

Group model

  name: {type: String, required: true},
  image_url: String
  content: {type: String, required: true},
  categories: {type: String, enum: ['art', 'sports', 'science', 'lifestyle', 'nature', 'politics', 'entertainment', 'other']},
  tags: {type: String, ref: 'user', index: 'text'},
  users: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}]

Conversation model

  name: {type: String, required: true},
  participants: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}]

Messages model

  message: {type: String, required: true},
  conversationId: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'conversation'}
  sender: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}

API Endpoints (backend routes)

HTTP Method URL Request Body Success status Error Status Description
GET /auth/profile Saved session 200 404 Check if user is logged in and return profile page
POST /auth/signup {name, email, password} 201 404 Checks if fields not empty (422) and user not exists (409), then create user with encrypted password, and store user in session
POST /auth/login {username, password} 200 401 Checks if fields not empty (422), if user exists (404), and if password matches (404), then stores user in session
POST /auth/login/google {username, password} 200 401 Checks if fields not empty (422), if user exists (404), and if password matches (404), then stores user in session
POST /auth/logout (empty) 204 400 Logs out the user
POST /signup/category {categories} 400 Add new backlog and add to user
GET /signup/group 400 Querry for groups filter by categories of user (stored in session) elements
GET /home Sort by timestamp limit by 10
GET /:group Params, 2 querries, 1 for post model 1 for group model, populate comments
POST /:group/join {userid} find the group id and add user to group id
GET /:group/leave {userid} find the group id and remove user to group id comments
PUT /:group/add-post {title, description, owner} 200 400 edit element
DELETE /:post/delete-post {post-id} 200 400 edit element
POST /:post/comment {comment} 201 400 Show specific element
POST /:post/like {userid} 201 400 Show specific element
POST /:post/dislike {userid} 201 400 Show specific element
GET /explore 201 400 delete element
POST /add-group {all group information} 400 Show series elements
GET /friends find the user and populate friends
GET /profile/:user Get posts with user id elements
POST /profile/:user/add-friend {your user id} elements
GET /people Querry for random users elements
POST /people/search {searchtext} elements
GET /messages/:conversationId
POST /conversations





Colors palette


Client repository Link

Server repository Link

Deployed App Link


Slides Link