
Lab of the course Distributed Programming for Web, IoT, and Mobile Systems B032427 (B255) @ UNIFI

Distributed Programming for Web, IoT, and Mobile Systems (Laboratory page)

Teacher: Letterio Galletta

Contact: name.surname(at)imtlucca.it

Office hours: contact me by e-mail

Note that this page contains only the programming exercises, all the material of the course is available on the Moodle page at https://e-l.unifi.it/course/view.php?id=37975

Course description

The course aims at providing general knowledge about distributed programming, methodologies and tools. The course starts by reviewing the basic concepts relevant to the course, then presents how distributed systems are organized and basic communication mechanisms. The course then presents the basic techniques for developing modern distributed systems using the web, IoT, and mobile technologies.

Learning objectives

After completing this course students will be able to understand and describe the architectural organization of a generic distributed system; to use high level communication mechanisms as e.g. Remote Procedure Call, RESTful APIs and message-oriented middleware; to develop modern web, mobile and IoT applications.

Programming exercises

This table specifies the programming exercises with the relevant topics.

Remember to set up a Go programming environnement as described here.

Date Topics Assignments
09/26 Basic Go programming (part 1) Exercises 1
10/10 Basic Go programming (part 2) Exercises 2
10/17 Networking programming in Go Exercises 3
10/31 Networking and Web programming in Go Exercises 4
11/07 Web programming in Go Exercises 5
11/14 Accessing database in Go Exercises 6
11/28 Web templates in Go Exercises 7
... ... ...

Online resources