
Lab of the course Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming @ imtlucca

Primary LanguageJava

Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming (10 hours - Lab)

Teacher: Letterio Galletta

Contact: name.surname(at)imtlucca.it

Office hours: contact me by e-mail

Course description

The objective of the course is to introduce the basics of concurrent and distributed programming through an illustration of concepts and techniques using the Java programming language. By means of an hands-on approach, at the end of the course students will be able to write concurrent programs.

Learning objectives

After completing this course students will have a good understanding of the problems connected to concurrent programming and the techniques to write concurrent software. Moreover, they will obtained a good knowledge of the different approaches to modelling communication among distributed components and safe resource sharing.

This repositories

This repository contains a Java package for each lecture with the code showed in class.

Online resources