the sem ppt
- git push; put all the local responsoty to the remote
幻想这么一种工具 用 纯文本来描述图形就像markdown这种语言一样,数据和展现分开,这样的好处
- 图形的维护不是那么的复杂了
- 多人维护同一个图形(设计)文档成为一种可能(虽然EA已经支持这种类似的东西,但是它的文档描述实在是太复杂了)
- 提供权限,可以被对方发现地理位置 -- 针对妻子
- 收费项目,可以将自己的位置设置为指定的地理位置 -- 针对老公
- 可以针对这点来防止孩子丢失 -- 针对看管小孩子的人
* 获取当前时间
protected static Date now() {
return new Date();
* 将指定字符串重复若干遍,并返回重复后的结果
def timesString(def times, def ch) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
times.times { stringBuilder.append(ch) }
return stringBuilder.toString()
public class ValidationUtil {
static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ValidationUtil.class);
public static void checkNotNull(Object object, String code) throws ValidationException {
if (object == null) {
throw new ValidationException(null, code);
public static void checkNotEmpty(String target, boolean trim, String code) throws ValidationException {
if (trim) {
if (!(target == null || "".equals(target.trim()))) {
logger.info(target +" is empty,if trim");
throw new ValidationException(target, code);
} else {
if (!(target == null || "".equals(target))) {
logger.info(target + " is empty, even if not trim");
throw new ValidationException(target, code);
public static void checkNotEmpty(String target, String code) throws ValidationException {
checkNotEmpty(target, false, code);
public static void checkLength(String target, Integer min, Integer max, String code) throws ValidationException {
Integer length = 0;
if (target != null) {
length = target.length();
if (!(length >= min && length <= max)) {
logger.info("the length of ["+target + "] not in ["+min+","+max+"] ");
throw new ValidationException(target, code);
public static void checkLength(String target, Integer max, String code) throws ValidationException {
checkLength(target, 0, max, code);
public static void checkEnum(Object target, Set<Object> allEnum, String code) throws ValidationException {
if (!allEnum.contains(target)) {
throw new ValidationException(target, code);
public static void checkEnum(Integer target, Set<Integer> allEnum, String code) throws ValidationException {
if (!allEnum.contains(target)) {
logger.info(target +"not in ["+LogHelper.toString(allEnum)+"]");
throw new ValidationException(target, code);
public static void checkEnum(Long target, Set<Long> allEnum, String code) throws ValidationException {
if (!allEnum.contains(target)) {
throw new ValidationException(target, code);
public static void checkEnum(String target, Set<String> allEnum, String code) throws ValidationException {
if (!allEnum.contains(target)) {
throw new ValidationException(target, code);
public static Set<Integer> makeEnum(Integer... allEnum) {
Set<Integer> all = new HashSet<Integer>();
Collections.addAll(all, allEnum);
return all;