
**科学院大学研一课程课件共享项目University of Chinese Academy of Sciences postgraduate course textbook sharing project



At present, I have temporarily uploaded courseware selected by myself and shared with my classmates, mainly computer, artificial intelligence and math major courses

下载单个文件夹方法 Download single folder method

复制该文件夹的网址,粘贴入DownGit中,选择download即可 http://zhoudaxiaa.gitee.io/downgit/#/home

Copy the URL of the folder, paste it into DownGit, select download

后续计划 Follow-up plan


At present, it is the sharing of personal course selection materials. Later, I hope more students will share the textbook learning materials of the National University of Science and Technology. There is still a need to improve the project.

免责申明 Disclaimer


This project is only for the convenience of students to find the course materials that can be shared publicly. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. If you have any questions, please contact lilujun2019@ia.ac.cn.