
Cellular automata based music generator. Currently makes pretty pictures and somewhat ok music.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Musica is a cellular automaton based music generator. Musica also has the ability to generate pictures of rule 30.



  • Sound samples
    I used one octave of piano samples from http://theremin.music.uiowa.edu/MISpiano.html. They need to all have a specific filename, so to make things easier you can download a zip here. Put the media folder in the same directory as the executable once you build it.
  • LibGD
    I am using 2.1, but any version that supports SetPixel and exporting to PNG should work.
  • irrKlang
    Version 1.4, free version works.

Change the -I and -L flags in rule30.sh to where these libraries are located on your filesystem, then run it.