This is a litle command line buddy who'll help you figure out how to improve your code, a rat. You give it the file(s) you're working on and a question on how to improve it and it'll tell you what it thinks.
rat-assistant [...flags]
Positionals: files path to file that it will parse [string]
Options: -k, --api-key the apikey of the api endpoint your using [string] [required] [default: "-----"]
-e, --end-point api end point of the llm [string] [default: ""]
-m, --model language model to use [string] [default: "llama3-8b-8192"]
-r, --rubber-ratty What you want the ducky to explain [string] [required]
-o, --output file to output to [string]
-a, --append whether it destructively writes to file or appends ot [boolean] [default: "false"]
-t, --token-usage provides token usage information at the end of output
-v, --version version showing [boolean]
-h, --help shows the commands [boolean]