
Samples for Azure Functions Flex Consumption

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Azure Functions Flex Consumption Samples

This repository contains starters, infrastructure as code, and end to end samples for Azure Functions Flex Consumption. Check out the Azure documentation to learn more about Azure Functions Flex Consumption.

Starter Samples Overview (Code + AZD)

These starters samples give you the code + IaC (Azure Dev CLI enabled) to build and deploy simple/common scenarios to Flex Consumption.

  • HTTP (.NET 8 Isolated / C#): Contains a sample for building and deploying simple HTTP services that handle GET and POST with C#.
  • HTTP (Python 3.11): Contains a sample for building and deploying simple HTTP services that handle GET and POST with Python.
  • HTTP (JavaScript | Node 20): Contains a sample for building and deploying simple HTTP services that handle GET and POST with JavaScript.
  • HTTP (TypeScript | Node 20): Contains a sample for building and deploying simple HTTP services that handle GET and POST with TypeScript.
  • HTTP (Java 17): Contains a sample for building and deploying simple HTTP services that handle GET and POST with Java.
  • HTTP (PowerShell 7.4): Contains a sample for building and deploying simple HTTP services that handle GET and POST with PowerShell.

End to End Samples Overview

The following end to end samples are available in this repository for different Flex Consumption app scenarios:

IaC samples Overview

Flex Consumption has made some significant improvements to the control plane compared to other Azure Functions hosting plans. The following foundational samples are available in this repository for creating a Flex Consumption app that you should review and copy if you are automating the creation of your function apps with ARM, Bicep, or Terraform:

  • ARM (Azure Resource Manager): Contains a sample for deploying Azure Functions using ARM templates.
  • Bicep: Contains a sample for deploying Azure Functions using Bicep templates.
  • Terraform: Contains a sample for deploying Azure Functions using Terraform scripts.

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