
An Entry Level virtual internship project I did.


An Entry Level virtual internship project I did.

Problem Statement

I was asked by the manager, Head of Curriculum at Udemy, to present my finding on course revenue. To determine the course that generate the highest revenue and how to improve the performance of each course to increase on the revenue.

Design: I download four courses offended by Udemy that have the highest subscribers which are business finances, web development, graphic design, musical instrument. I joined the four data together.

Data Cleaning

I cleaned the entire data sheet data to remove duplicates from the dataset. I Selected the entire sheet or dataset and went to Data and Create a filter, I clicked on the Filter icon at the top of any column, then clicked on Filter by condition and selected ‘is empty’.
I used the Find and Replace function to make the Web Development subject consistent with other subjects.


I used excel pivot and chart for visualization.

Why is content duration of musical instrument lesser than that of other subject: From the content duration chart it is seen that musical instrument have the lowest content duration which might be the reason for low subscribers and web development have a high content duration which might be the reason for high subscribers.

• Why is there no free class for graphic design at expert level: graphic design has no free class at the expert level which might be the reason why there is low number of subscribers at that level. From the analysis it is seen that people subscribers for courses more if they have an idea of what the course content is.


Content duration of other courses needs to be looked into because the content duration influences number of subscribers.

Free class should be introduced at all level of the courses because people pay more for courses if there are free class to introduce them to the course.