
An Excel order analysis I did for a company


An Excel order analysis I did for a company

Problem Statment

I was asked the manager, Head of sales at a company, to present my finding on orders and sales in all our location. To determine the region that generate the make more sales and recommende how order region can improver their sales.

Data collection

The data was gotten from excel specialization course I took on coursera.

Data Cleaning

I selected the entire data sheet data to remove duplicates from the dataset.

  • I Selected the entire sheet or dataset and went to Data and created a filter to check if there is duplicate entery.
  • I clicked on the Filter icon at the top of any column, then clicked on Filter by condition and selected ‘is empty’.
  • I used the Find and Replace function to filter out duplicate entries.



In all the years, NSW had the highest number of order with a total of 646 followed by VIC with a total of 289. The year 2016 had the highest number of sales. Corporeate body made most of the orders in all of the state. Sales manager, Yvette Biti had the highest number of sales and made most of his sales in 2014 followed by Cannor Betts who made most of his sales in 2016.


All other state should learn from NSW on how they make their sales. Since corporeate are mostly the customers, goods ordered by them should constantly be made available in the states. Yvette Biti and Cannor Baetts should educate other sales manager on how to make sales. Stevie Bacata will be asked why his sales are no longer improving after the year 2013.