

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to Mysequence, a yoga based app to help you keep your body, mind , and energy goals. In this fast paced world of work, and fast-food, people are having a hard time to make it for some essential relaxation. This app is like a swiss army knife for the general yoga practitioner. Looking for a studio, want to build your own sequence, or watch instructors from the app, this app has it all here for you in one place. Whether you are a new instructor looking to obtain more students, or if you are student aiming to practice more with a busy schedule this app has it all.


In order to use the app you will have to sign-up or login, and for instructors make sure you enter in your certificate number to make sure you have access to the instructor page. Once logged in, you will be able to navigate through the app to a variety of features.But most of all enjoy the app!

The App

You can access the app here

Technologies Used

Material-UI -helps uses CSS, an interface library Materialize -New Technology a UI component library created with CSS, JavaScript, and HTMl React -a User Interface library, a tool used for building UI components, created by Facebook. Sequelize - a powerful library in JavaScript that makes it easy to manage a SQL database. MapboxGL -a JavaScript library that uses WebGL to render interactive maps Yelp - makes certain data, such as business's information through an API JawsDB -a add-on for providing a fully functional MySQL database server


  • Lily
  • Ed
  • Kevin
  • Ize
  • Jen
  • Jason


Yoga Icons are the work of Claire Jones via the Noun Project, except for savasana which is by Elizabeth Fuqua. Two other poses came from Bob Holzer, chaturunga dandasana and Ardha Uttanasana.

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