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How to set up the android ndk/sdk for building Lima.

Create a separate directory for this, this README uses ~/android/, but of
course, feel free to substitute with your own.

Getting the NDK/SDK:

You will need the NDK, as this will contain the toolchain and sysroot that we
will build against:

You will also need the SDK, as it contains tools like adb (android debug

Download and untar them into your android directory.

This then gives us, with the ndk at the time of writing this readme:

Setting up the NDK:

Since we need to add some libraries and header files of our own later on, we
need to create a standalone toolchain. While the headerfiles are generic, the
libraries will be taken from the device, so this standalone toolchain will be
somewhat device specific. The device for which this toolchain is being created
in this example, is a telechips 8901, with a android-2.3 image, therefor the
toolchain will be sent to ~/android/telechips-2.3/.

Since there is a rather major issue with the make-standalone-toolchain.sh
script, we need to provide the full path for our standalone toolchain.
Otherwise you end up with a separate directory called ~ which will contain
your toolchain.

The script also requires to be told which platform we are for, since this
example is for android-2.3, the platform is android-9 (see
docs/STABLE-APIS.html in the ndk).

./android-ndk-r7/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --platform=android-9 \

You can now edit Makefile.inc in the top lima directory to point to your
standalone toolchain and your SDK.

Please verify that you now are able to build some things, by running make
in the top lima directory. Linking will fail though as we are still missing
some libraries (we will resolve that in the next section).

Getting ADB (android debug bridge):

Descend into your sdk directory, and tools/android. This will open up a window
called "Android SDK Manager". There, deselect whatever it tries to install, and
instead only select "Android SDK Platform-tools" under "Tools", and then press
"install 1 pack".

Once this is done, you can verify that ADB works, by running:

 make remount

This will run adb remount, which remounts the /system/ partition on your
device so that it is writable. We will be installing lima bits to it
later on.

This might fail, stating "error: insufficient permissions for device",
which means that we still need to set up udev for this device.

Setting up udev:

If adb works out of the box, this step was already done for you by your

Run lsusb, and spot your device. For the telechips tablets, this is:

	Bus xxx Device xxx: ID 18d1:deed Google Inc.

As root, then edit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and add the following

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

Now run:

chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

If you now plug in your device (or re-plug), it should be accessible.

Getting the right libraries:

There is Makefile.sysroot. When its sysroot target is run, the sysroot/usr/lib
directory in your standalone toolchain will be emptied, and the necessary
libraries from your device will be pulled in instead.

make -f Makefile.sysroot sysroot

If all went well, you should now be able to fully build lima.

If linking failed, then pull in the necessary libraries from the device

Setting up the device:

The following command will add two symlinks on your device, so that
the mali EGL/GLES libraries can be linked to properly.

make -f Makefile.sysroot device


Everything. Most of the above could be easily automated, and make could
check for different devices with different images, and rebuild and reinstall
if a different device pops up.

But for the time being, this is good enough, and unless someone feels
bothered enough, it might not change :)