First laboratory of AMT course at HEIG-VD.



This has been tested on macOS, Linux and Windows. Please clean your Docker environment before building the docker containers, for example using docker rmi $(docker images -q)

To build and run the application, simply use the following commands in terminal (with Docker running in background)

cd topology-amt

docker-compose up

This should run three docker images called topologyamt_mysql_1, topologyamt_phpmyadmin_1 and topologyamt_wildfly_1 running the different services needed for the application.

You can the test the application by accessing http://localhost:9090/app/.


The application offers several pages:

  • The index of the application is a landing page offering two options: login and register.
  • The login page gives the ability to log on the site. The default user is admin with the password adminpass. If you access this page while already connected, you can log in with another account.
  • The register page gives the ability to create a new account. You will then be redirected to the login page. You can also access this page while being already connected.
  • The admin page shows a table containing all the users created. The interface does not allow to control the users directly.
  • The error page displays details about an error that occured.


A postman script is located at test/AMT.postman_collection.json. You will also need to add the postman environment AMT.postman_environment.json. The script should be used with a fresh running image of the application (containing only the preset database). Simply import the scripts and run them in Postman application.

List of used ports

  • 9090 Wildfly
  • 9999 Wildfly admin console
  • 3306 Mysql
  • 6060 PhpMyAdmin


Here is a list of all the requests accessible with the API REST:

#### GET Requests

  • /api/user : Gives the list of all users registrated
  • /api/user/$id : Gives the user identified with the given id

#### POST Requests

  • /api/user : To store a new user. Parameters:
    • username (mandatory)
    • password (mandatory)
    • firstname (mandatory)
    • lastname (mandatory)
  • /api/user/$id : To edit a given user identified with the given id. Parameters:
    • password
    • firstname
    • lastname

#### DELETE Requests

  • /api/user/$id : Deletes the user identified with the given id.