
Identifi home repository

MIT LicenseMIT


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  • Concept: https://medium.com/@mmalmi/learning-to-trust-strangers-167b652a654f
  • Global address book
  • Anyone can edit and verify contact details
  • Users can give each other eBay-style reviews and trust ratings
  • Filter all information by its author's position in your web of trust
    • For example, only show the content created by your friends and the people they trust
  • Decentralized - data is stored and indexed on the devices of its users (on IPFS). Compares to a phone's address book or a local DNS cache.
  • API for integration with various trust or identity dependent applications


  • Keep your contact details, payment addresses etc. up-to-date and verified
  • Makes it possible to trust people you have never met
    • Utilize your good reputation in various services and situations
    • Reduces risk of trade or loan, thus reducing cost
  • Prevent spam (by accepting messages only from trusted / socially connected senders)
  • Prevent fake accounts used for commercial or propaganda purposes
  • Provide identity verifications to people who lack official ID
  • Facilitate gift economy / time banking
  • Distributed public messaging, with trust lists instead of centralized moderator power
  • Censorship-resistance
  • Open database, vs. proprietary information silos of reputation and online identity
    • No monopoly on credit ratings
  • Ubiquitous reputation as non-violent, cost-effective and decentralized justice
    • Everyone can choose whose judgement or review to trust
    • Incentive against antisocial behavior
    • Incentive to restore trust by compensation and apology for misdeeds


  • Identifi message: [author identifiers, recipient identifiers, message][signatures]
    • Identified by content hash
    • Signed by the entity which verified that the message originates from the named author. Thus, all end users need not to have a crypto key of their own.
    • Encoded and signed as JSON Web Tokens
  • Messages are stored and indexed locally in an SQL database
    • Nodes maintain their own trust indexes which are updated as new messages arrive
    • Message storage priority is based on its author's and signer's position in the node's web of trust
    • Messages and indexes are also globally stored on IPFS
      • Can be used in serverless mode
      • btree indexes
  • Crawl initial data from existing social networks and review systems

Possible applications

  • Facial recognition and identifi-cation with a AR glasses
    • Thumbs up to the friendly bus driver, policeman or the stranger who helped you
  • Mywot.com-style browser plugin for website reviews
  • Bitcoin UIs, connect addresses to identities or vice versa
  • Email plugin
    • Generate trusted senders list from email history
    • Require new senders to be on identifi - send automatic response if not
  • Decentralized marketplaces, P2P trade and finance
    • Check escrow or trader reputation
    • Airbnb, eBay, Uber, LocalBitcoins etc.
    • Time banking, gift economy
  • Uncensored and sockpuppet-resistant reviews and recommendations for products, restaurants etc.
  • Public messaging, automatically show or hide authors
  • Social network based routing protocols
  • Decentralized alternative to DNS - let your WoT decide which IP a name maps to


Please do integrate identifi-lib with your existing application or with a test application and create Github issues for the bugs and other problems you may encounter. Your help is much appreciated!


Identifi is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.