
This is plain jupyterhub configuration for eks deployment

Primary LanguagePython

Jupyterhub in AWS EKS

Minikube SetUp(Local)

Prerequsites SetUp

  • minikube: Minikube is a tool that creates a single node(Virtual Machine) Kubernetes cluster on your computer using VirtualBox or Docker. To install minikube follow this link.
  • kubectl: kubectl is CLI tool that can be used to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources and view logs. To installl kubectl follow this link.
  • skaffold: Skaffold is a CLI tool that facilates the continuous development and deployment of kubernetes native-applications. It also handles the workflow for building, pushing and deploying applications and provide building blocks for creating CI/CD pipelines for local as well as remote Kubernetes cluster. To install skaffold follow this link.

1. Start Minikube

Start minikube with different profile/cluster name as follows:

$ minikube start -p <jupyterhub-cluster-name>

2. Deploy Workloads

Jupyterhub needs a database to persist users, hub and notebook information and also a newtork file system for the notebooks and other files created by users to persist after the container server is shutodown.

Therefore, for database we use mysql and nfs as local network file system. Also, we use kubernetes configmap as secret to add environment variables and mount it to jupyterhub deployment. We run a bash script to do all these prerequsite deployments including jupyterhub deployment.

$ chmod +x minikube-setup.sh
$ ./minikube-setup.sh

3. Access Jupyterhub

Run following command and access jupyterhub at localhost:9000.

$ skaffold dev --port-forward

skaffold tracks any changes you make and dynamically deploy the changes to the minikube k8s cluster deployments. To change skaffold configuration change skaffold.yaml file values.

AWS EKS SetUp(Cloud)

Prerequsites SetUp

  • AWS CLI: aws cli is a CLI tool for working with AWS service, including Amazon EKS. To install aws-cli follow this link.
  • kubectl: kubectl is CLI that can be used to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources and view logs. To installl kubectl follow this link.
  • eksctl: eksctl is a simple CLI tool for create AWS-EKS cluster. To install eksctl follwo this link.

1. Create EKS Cluster

There are different ways to create EKS cluster (eksctl,terraform,console,etc). Here, we will use eksctl to create a eks cluster to deploy our jupyterhub workloads.

$ eksctl create cluster -f ./eks-deploy/cluster.yaml

For more advaced configurations and commands of eksctl, follow this link.

2. Acess EKS Cluster Locally

First, update kubeconfig with newly created cluster.

$ aws eks --region <aws-region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>

Second, run following commands to use the newly created cluster context-name.

$ kubectl config get-contexts
$ kubectl config use-context <context-name>

3. Deploy Workloads

Jupyterhub needs a database to persist users, hub and notebook information and also a newtork file system for the notebooks and other files created by users to persist after the container server is shutodown.

Therefore, for database we use mysql and nfs as local network file system. Also, we use kubernetes configmap as secret to add environment variables and mount it to jupyterhub deployment. We run a bash script to do all these prerequsite deployments including jupyterhub deployment.

$ chmod +x eks-setup.sh
$ ./eks-setup.sh

4. Access Jupyterhub

Here, we have exposed the jupyterhub workload service in k8s native loadbalncer. Using that loadbalancer we can access jupyterhub with a dns like following :

$  kubectl get svc
NAME                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                     PORT(S)          AGE
jupyterhub-service   LoadBalancer   aca434079a4cb0a9961170c1-23367063.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com   8000:32678/TCP   28h

Now, you can access jupyterhub at <external-ip>:8000