P2P Lending Reporting

This is a small Python program to unify the data comming from different P2P lending platforms. For the moment the following platforms are supported:


To create the report you can run the program with the following command:

bazel run //:main

If you want to see the report also for the past investments you can pass --past as a parameter:

bazel run //:main -- --past

For a full list of parameters you can use --help:

bazel run //:main -- --help

Running the tests

To run the test you just need to run the following command:

bazel test //...


To deploy the application to google cloud you only have to follow the instructions in this page: https://datasciencecampus.github.io/deploy-dash-with-gcp/

Currently the deployment is not fully automated, there are two parts that needs to be modified:

  • The logging to file needs to be commented out because in the server we cannot write to file
  • Some of the imports needs to be changed because in the server is not run with Bazel

In file dashboard/components.py:

import figures


from dashboard import figures

In file dashboard/dashboard.py:

import charts
import components
import layouts
import tables


from dashboard import charts
from dashboard import components
from dashboard import layouts
from dashboard import tables