
Personal Website

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Gettings started

Run npm run dev to start webpacking and serving to localhost:3005

Npm Scripts

  • dev - Starts webpacking of the client and server, and starts serving the content on port 3005
  • serve:prod - Starts the server in production mode (Don't forget to pack first)
  • pack:prod - Runs webpack in production mode for the client and server
  • pack:client:prod - Production mode packs the client only
  • pack:server:prod - Production mode packs the server only
  • clean - deletes files in the dist directory


The application serves up only http and expects you to use a reverse proxy for TLS.
For local testing of Http2 there is an included docker compose file and and HAProxy config.
For deployment, using HAProxy via the included config is also reccomended.

Things to edit for your own project

  • Customize config/config.js
  • Add icons and fonts
  • Author, colors, twitter names in config/meta.config.js



When you update the site to have more pages UPDATE THE REL CANONICAL.


In components use relative urls for images.


I explicitly do not support IE.


Remember: there are section in /docker-compose.yml and /haproxy.cfg which need to be set for your environment. You won't be able to serve it they don't match either linux or mac.


Preloading Fonts https://ashton.codes/preload-google-fonts-using-resource-hints/

Getting local copies of Google Fonts https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com


  • Use jsfuck for email addres to prevent scraping and 4 lols
  • Convert to VueMeta
  • Update from mechabus, grid, plinth
  • Update deps
  • Fix styles
  • Update eslint config
  • Add space to config - around imports before parens
  • Add blog
  • Add miami theme

Maybe Todos

  • Add WebpackDevServerUtils.choosePort to projects
  • Add


'unsafe-inline' scripts in csp: vuejs/vue-style-loader#33

Feedback ✉️

Website 🌐



@limeandcoconut 🐦



ISC, see license for details.