
Ansible role for installing zabbix server and creating zabbix users, groups and hosts

Primary LanguagePython


This role can be used to install zabbix server on Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian and Fedora. It also provides modules which allow managing users, groups and hosts in Zabbix

Example Playbook

If you just want to manage users (or problem notifications) on an existing zabbix installation, you can do a basic role import, and then use the zabbix_user module in your own roles/playbooks like so;

  - import_role:
      name: limepepper.zabbix-server

  - name: create a zabbix user, set password, add email notifications
      login_user: Admin
      login_password: "{{ zabbix_web_admin_pass }}"
      server_url: http://localhost/zabbix
      alias: "new_user_1"
      enabled: yes
      passwd: xxxxxxx
      email: xfexxx@example.com
      name: Marty
      surname: McFly

In the previous example, the user would be configured to receive all problem report notifications

If you want to install, and configure zabbix on the server, you can tell ansible to install the server side components. Currently this role only supports the mysql and apache options. (postgresql and nginx are on the todo list)

Zabbix with a mysql backend depends on a running mysql and apache services, so something like this should build the whole thing;

  - include_role:
      name: limepepper.mysql

  - include_role:
      name: limepepper.apache

  - import_role:
      name: limepepper.zabbix-server
        - zabbix-server-mysql
        - zabbix-web

or you can use the classic role import syntax, which is slightly less verbose;

- hosts: zabbix
    - limepepper.mysql
    - limepepper.apache
    - limepepper.zabbix-server
      - zabbix-server-mysql
      - zabbix-web
    # use a more recent version of mysql
    mysql_profile: mysql_community_server_5_7

To successfully send email notifications, zabbix needs to know how to send email via SMTP. You can configure those with the zabbix_mediatype and zabbix_user modules like so;

- hosts: zabbix
    - limepepper.mysql
    - limepepper.apache
    - limepepper.zabbix-server
    # set the main super admin password, also used for api access
    zabbix_web_admin_pass: some_complex_password
    # install mysql backend, and web components
      - zabbix-server-mysql
      - zabbix-web

    - name: create a zabbix user with an email for notifications
        # zabbix api login details
        login_user: Admin
        login_password: "{{ zabbix_web_admin_pass }}"
        server_url: http://localhost/zabbix
        # module args
        alias: "my_zabbix_user"
        passwd: my_zabbix_password
        email: xfexxx@example.com

    - name: setup SMTP for the default Email media type
        # zabbix api login details
        login_user: Admin
        login_password: "{{ zabbix_web_admin_pass }}"
        server_url: http://localhost/zabbix
        # module args
        name: Email
        smtp_server: smtp.google.com
        smtp_server_port: 25
        from_address: zabbix@somedomain.com
          username: my_smtp_login
          password: my_smtp_password



Author Information

An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).