
Activity Synchronization between Strava and Komoot

Primary LanguageGo


Activity Synchronization between Strava and Komoot. Synchronization direction: Strava --> Komoot

What is synced:

  • Name of the activity
  • Visibility (private, public)

Script Parameter

$GOPATH/bin/strava_komoot_sync -h

Usage of ./strava_komoot_sync:
            Log debug level
    -komoot_email string
            Komoot Email
    -komoot_pw string
            Komoot Password
    -komoot_userid string
            Komoot User ID
    -strava_athleteid int
            Strava Athlete ID
    -strava_clientid int
            Strava Client ID
    -strava_clientsecret string
            Strava Client Secret
    -strava_virtualRide_gearid string
            Strava Virtual Ride GearID
            Sync all activities

Flag "-sync_all"

  • true: all activities will be synched once and program terminates
  • false: the last 30 Strava activities will be synched

Run Docker Container

... via Dockerfile

  • Build and Run:

      docker build --tag stravakomootsync:latest .
      docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name stravakomootsync --restart unless-stopped -e 'KOMOOT_EMAIL=*****' -e 'KOMOOT_PWD=*****' -e 'KOMOOT_USERID=*****' -e 'STRAVA_CLIENTID=*****' -e 'STRAVA_CLIENTSECRET=*****' -e 'STRAVA_ATHLETEID=*****' -e 'STRAVA_VIRT_GEARID=*****' stravakomootsync
  • Go to the Containers Tab in the Docker Desktop and select 'View Detail' at the "vertical hamburger".

  • In the Logs Tab there will be are Link to Strava asking you to confirm the App Login.

  • This will sync the Names of the latest 30 Strava Activities with corresponding Komoot Activities. Check Komoot to find your Activity Names updated.

  • To update all Activities, add the parameter ...

      -e 'SYNC_ALL=true' 

    ... to aboves docker run command.

... via docker-compose and pre-build package from ghcr.io

Docker Image CI

WARNING!! This option is not working in this fork. It uses a precompiled package from the original repo with an error.

    cp .env.template .env
    vi .env
    docker compose up -d


  • sync pics