
Enhanced SSI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Server Side Include enables to include pages in server side before responding HTTP request.

ESSI means Enhanced SSI, it supports parsing the custom SSI syntax.

Besides, the template engine Juicer is integrated in ESSI.

ESSI syntax


Define Mock Data in template.

  "name": "ESSI"


<!--#include file="path/to/foo.html"-->

<!--#include file="path/to/foo.html" data='{"name":"${name}"}'-->


<!--#eachInclude file="path/to/item.html" itemVOs as item-->


<!--#remote url="http://foo.com/path/to/bar.html"-->
  • Customize

    set remote field with RegExp in param


The template engine Juicer is integrated in ESSI.

Your can read Reference for detail.

Magic Variable



Using fe-move attribute in <script> or <link> tag, attribute value could be top or bottom:

<script fe-move="top" type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file.js"></script>

<link fe-move="bottom" rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/file.css" />

Using fe-group attribute in <script> or <link> tag, attribute value could be whatever you like

<script fe-group="groupname" type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file.js"></script>

<link fe-group="groupname" rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/file.css" />

ESSI will make the Combo URL according to fe-group and fe-move in build process.

<script fe-group="group1" type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file1.js"></script>
<script fe-group="group1" type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file2.js"></script>
<script fe-move="top" fe-group="group2" type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file3.js"></script>
After Build Process, the script tags above will be converted to:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://CDNPATH/version/path/to/file3.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://CDNPATH/version/path/to/??file1.js,file2.js"></script>

Velocity syntax

Thinks for velocity

Install & Usage

npm install essi

Use in server

As a middleware in Express or KOA

  .use(require("essi")(param, dir))

Use in gulp

As a plugin in gulp

  .pipe(require("essi").gulp(param, dir))



  "rootdir": "src",                 // 根目录
  "charset": "utf-8",               // 页面编码
  "assetsCharset": "utf-8",         // assets编码
  "random": true,                   // 是否在assets的地址中加入随机数(防缓存)
  "replaces": {                     // 变量替换(正则)
    "_name_": "boying"
  "remote": {"(http:\/\/.+)":"$1"}, // 自定义远程抓取URL提取的正则表达式
  "hosts": {},                      // 域名与IP的hosts对应
  "ignoreTokens": [],               // 忽略解析某些Token(正则数组)
  "ignoreJuicer": [],               // 忽略使用juicer引擎解析的文件列表(正则数组);若布尔型,则为全局生效开关
  "native2ascii": false,            // 将HTML中的双字节字符(如中文)替换为HTML转义符号
  "cache": true,                    // 是否缓存远程抓取页面
  "cdnPath": "http://domain/",      // assets地址补全
  "layout": "default.vm",           // velocity缺省layout文件
  "screenPlaceholder": "screen_placeholder",           // velocity缺省layout文件占位符名称
  "version": "1.0.0",               // assets版本
  "css": ".min.css",
  "js": ".min.js",
  "strictPage": false               // 是否只输出严格完整的页面,不输出HTML片段


The DIR where puts the config file