
This repository is the official code implementation of the paper, "MaxwellNet: Physics-driven deep neural network training based on Maxwell’s equations" by Joowon Lim and Demetri Psaltis. You can refer to the following materials for the details of implementation,

Also, we had an interview on this work,

Overall scheme and idea

The novelty of this work is to train a deep neural network, MaxwellNet, which solves Maxwell's equations using physics-driven loss. In other words, we are using the residual of Maxwell's equations as a loss function to train MaxwellNet, therefore, it does not require ground truth solutions to train it. Furthermore, we utilized MaxwellNet in a novel inverse design scheme, and we encourage you to refer to the main article for details.



Our code is based on Windows 10, pytorch 1.7.1, CUDA 11.0, and python 3.7. We recommend using conda for installation.

conda env create --file environment.yaml
conda activate maxwellnet


1. MaxwellNet Training

python --directory <YOUR_DIRECTORY>

In <YOUR_DIRECTORY>, you need to have 'train.npz' which contains the training dataset and 'specs_maxwell.json' where you specify training parameters. A brief description of the parameters can be found below. I encourage you to read the supplementary material to understand the parameters.

NetworkSpecs Description
depth [int] Depth of UNet.
filter [int] Channel numbers in the first layer of UNet.
norm [str] Type of normalization ('weight' for weight normalization, 'batch' for batch normalization, and 'no' for no normalization).
up_mode [str] Upsample mode of UNet (either 'upcov' for transpose convolution or 'upsample' for upsampling).
PhysicalSpecs Description
wavelength [float] Wavelength in [um].
dpl [int] One pixel size is 'wavelength / dpl' [um].
Nx [int] Pixel number along the x-axis. This is equivalent to the pixel number along the x-axis of your scattering sample.
Nz [int] Pixel number along the z-axis (light propagation direction). This is equivalent to the pixel number along the z-axis of your scattering sample.
pml_thickness [int] Perfectly-matched-layer (PML) thickness in pixel number. 'pml_thickness * wavelength / dpl' is the actual thickness of PML layer in micrometers.
symmetry_x [bool] If this is True, MaxwellNet will assume your input scattering sample is symmetric along the x-axis. For example, when given a sample whose Nx and Nz are 100 and 200, respectively, if this sample is symmetric along the x-axis, you can save only half of it (Nx=50, Nz=200) in your train file (train.npz) and set 'symmetry_x' as True.
mode [str] 'te' or 'tm' (Transverse Electric or Transverse Magnetic).
high_order [str] 'second' or 'fourth'. It decides which order (second or fourth order) to calculate the gradient. 'fourth' is more accurate than 'second'.


Training for a single spheric lens.

If you just want to train a model for a single lens (which would be a good exercise as it runs for a short time), you can train MaxwellNet for a single spheric lens as followings,

  • TE mode.
    python --directory examples\spheric_te
  • TM mode.
    python --directory examples\spheric_tm

Training for multiple lenses.

You can download the datasets of multiple lenses here. Download and place 'lens_te' and 'lens_tm' folders under 'examples' folder.

  • Transverse Electric (TE) mode.
    python --directory examples\lens_te
  • Transverse Magnetic (TM) mode.
    python --directory examples\lens_tm

The above training cases take about 37 (TE mode) and 63 (TM mode) hours on V100, respectively.

2. MaxwellNet Solution

If you want to check the solution found by MaxwellNet,

python --directory <YOUR_DIRECTORY> --model_filename <YOUR_MODEL_FILENAME> --sample_filename <YOUR_SAMPLE_FILENAME>

It will provide the sample (<YOUR_SAMPLE_FILENAME> in <YOUR_DIRECTORY>) to the saved model (<YOUR_MODEL_FILENAME>) and return the solution found by MaxwellNet, and this output will be saved as an image in <YOUR_DIRECTORY> as you can see in the below examples.


If you want to calculate the solution found by MaxwellNet for the single spheric lenses (as trained above),

  • TE mode.

    python --directory examples\spheric_te --model_filename --sample_filename sample.npz
  • TM mode.

    python --directory examples\spheric_tm --model_filename --sample_filename sample.npz
    Mode Result
    TE mode Scheme
    TM mode Scheme

You can find the solutions for the multiple lens training cases similarly.


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={MaxwellNet: Physics-driven deep neural network training based on Maxwell’s equations},
  author={Lim, Joowon and Psaltis, Demetri},
  journal={APL Photonics},
  publisher={AIP Publishing LLC}


We referred to the code from the following repo, UNet. We thank the authors for sharing their code.