
Library with convenient methods for SQLite databases management

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Library that adds convenience methods for SQLite databases management

by Elias Limneos

web: limneos.net

email: iphone (at) limneos (dot) net

twitter: @limneos


libEasySQLite3 adds the class SQLiteManager that manages basic sqlite3 functions. You can open sqlite databases, perform queries , insert, alter, delete , returning results in NSArrays and NSDictionaries for convenience and better management.

Example (cycript)

manager=[[SQLiteManager alloc] initWithDBPath: @"/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db" createIfNotExists:NO];
// "<SQLiteManager: 0x18d220>"

[manager tables];
// ["_SqliteDatabaseProperties","group_member","message","msg_group","msg_pieces","sqlite_sequence"]

[manager columnTitlesForTable: @"message"];
// ["ROWID","address","date","text","flags","replace","svc_center","group_id",
// "association_id","height","UIFlags","version","subject","country","headers","recipients","read"]

[manager resultOfQuery: @"select * from message order by ROWID desc limit 1"]; 
// [{read:"1",UIFlags:"0",association_id:"0",flags:"2",address:"+306986352xxx",group_id:"1",text:"I'm waiting for you at the station\n",version:"0",replace:"0",height:"0",ROWID:"1",country:"gr",date:"1297304329"}]

The above example opens the SMS database on iPhone, lists its tables, gets table structure for table "message" and selects the first message entry.

Another example (in cycript , for quick understanding) , creating our own new database:

manager=[[SQLiteManager alloc] initWithDBPath: @"/tmp/new.db"]; 
// "<SQLiteManager: 0x18d220>"

[manager dbName];
// "new" 

[manager tables];
// []   (empty array = no tables)

fields=[NSMutableArray array]; 
[fields addObject:@"id"]; 
[fields addObject:@"message"]; 
[fields addObject:@"timestamp"]; 

types=[NSMutableArray array]; 
[types addObject:@"INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"]; 
[types addObject:@"TEXT"]; 
[types addObject:@"INTEGER"]; 

[manager createTable:@"myTable" withFields:fields ofTypes:types];

[manager tables];

fieldsArray=[NSMutableArray array];
[fieldsArray addObject:@"message"];
[fieldsArray addObject:@"timestamp"];

valuesArray=[NSMutableArray array];
[valuesArray addObject:@"hello there"];
[valuesArray addObject:[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]];

[manager insertInto:@"myTable" fields:fieldsArray values:valuesArray]; 

[manager selectAllFromTable: "myTable"];
// [{id:"1",message:"hello there",timestamp:"1302123839.21203"}]

[manager truncateTable: "myTable"];

[manager dropTable: "myTable"];


libEasySQLite3 is open source. Feel free to help improving it if you like.


libEasySQLite3 is compiled using Theos. For more information about Theos/Logos, visit http://bit.ly/af0Evu and http://hwtt.net/ths


Permanent Thanks to:

Optimo for being my mentor

DHowett for Theos/Logos and all the background work he's done for the community

Saurik for cycript and everything else

Many other developers from IRC from which I've learned a lot, including rpetrich, BigBoss, DB42, kennytm, chpwn, mringwal, TheZimm, Yllier