
[Python] Welcome to the Hangman Game, this is my first real project in Python.

Primary LanguagePython

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Hangman Game CircleCI

Welcome to the Hangman Game, this is my first real project in Python.

Terminal Display

Representation of images of the game running in the terminal

Start game

***Welcome to the Hangman Game***
******Discover the last name*****

The secret word contains 6 chars

['_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_']

            |     |
You have 6 life 

Enter with a new char

Win game

Enter with a new char
['e', 'a', 't', 'o', 'n']

        |     |
        |     O
        |    /|\
        |    / 
You have 1 life 

You WIN the game: Eaton

Lost Game

Enter with a new char
['b', 'e', '_', 'd', 'e', '_']

            |     |
            |     O
            |    /|\
            |    / \
            |  ((dead))
You have 0 life 

You LOST, the word is: Bender

How to run the Hangman Game

The following steps have been documented to be executed on a Linux platform, but the commands with the Windows system may be similar, but the operation is not fully guaranteed.

  • Clone the repository

      $ git clone https://github.com/gbzarelli/hangman-python
  • Access the folder

      $ cd ./hangman-python
  • Install game

      $ make install
  • Run unit tests:

      $ make test_unit
  • Run the game

      $ make start


Guilherme Biff Zarelli