

  • Explore the literature on a topic and/or area of interest in language and linguistics which employs text analysis methods
  • Hone the ability to skim an article from the primary literature to identify:
    • the aim(s) of a study and the main finding(s)
    • the data and dataset(s) used and how they relate to the research aim(s)
  • Continue to apply your growing knowledge of R Markdown



  1. Create a new R Markdown document. Title it "Project: Orientation #3" and provide add your name as the author.
  2. Delete all the material below the front matter
  3. Add your Zotero API key to this RStudio Cloud project through the Tools > Global Options... > R Markdown > Citations menu.


Identifying aim(s) and finding(s)

  1. Search scholarly articles on a topic and/ or area of potential interest to you. You can use Google Scholar or WFU ZSR Library's Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) interface as your search engine. Be sure to include 'corpus analysis' or 'corpus study' as part of your search criteria to help identify research which will be more directly relevant to the methods in this course.

  2. Identify at least one article which you find particularly interesting. (Note: you are not committing yourself to this article or this topic/ area.)

  3. Find the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for the article(s) and enter this/these DOI(s) in Zotero to import the citation information. Download the PDF version of this/these article(s) and attach it/them to the reference(s) in Zotero.

  4. Skim the article(s) for: (1) the aim(s) of the study(ies) and (2) the main finding(s) of the study(ies).

  5. In the R Markdown document, cite and in your own words summarize the points in (4) for the article(s).

  6. Format your interest statement using Markdown syntax as needed.

Evaluating the data and datasets(s)

  1. Add a section to your article summary where you will describe the data and dataset(s) used in the article.
  2. Skim the methods section and identify the data (corpus) used:
  • What is the sampling frame?
  • Does the sampling frame representative of the target population that the article aims to study?
  • Is the corpus data used freely available? If so, provide a link to the resource.
  1. Skim the methods section and identify the dataset(s) created:
  • What aspects or components from the corpus data do the authors use to address the main aim(s) of the study?
  • Do the authors describe the steps taken to curate the data and/or transform the dataset(s) for analysis? If so, what did they do?


  1. Knit your R Markdown document as a PDF or Word document
  2. Download this file.
  3. Go to the Canvas submission page for "Project orientation #3" and submit your file.