
Base template for reproducible research

Primary LanguageR


Project Title

Describe the project in general terms including the purpose of the project, data sources (with citation, if necessary), analysis methods, and main finding(s).

If this work is published, provide the citation here in BibTeX format.


  title = {A Title of Some Very Interesting Research},
  author = {Last Name, First Name},
  date = {2021},
  journaltitle = {Journal Title},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {83--111},
  publisher = {Amazing Publishing Press}


Provide relevant information to help clarify how to reproduce the research with these project files.


  • Download or fork and clone this project from GitHub to your local machine.
  • Open an R console (R > 4.02), and from the root directory of the project template run:

A browseable website can be accessed by opening the docs/index.html file in a browser.

Notes on formatting Markdown documents

This file includes the .md extension, so it can take full advantage of the Markdown syntax hooks to create a range of word processing-style formatting such as:



  • Bullets 1
  • Bullets 2
  • Bullets 3

Bold text, italics, strikethrough, etc.

Follow this link for more on Markdown syntax options