
Primary LanguagePython

Tor Assignment

Due: April 25th, 2022 @ 9PM Eastern

Team Size: 2 Students Per Team

Assignment Overview

In this assignment you are going to get an in-depth view on Tor. You are going to be writing the client logic to build circuits and implement the required logic to build hidden services.





We will provide you with a virtual Tor network so that you can test your code and get it working. We will also be using this virtual Tor environment to do our autograding. To get started, clone the repository as git clone https://github.com/gkaptch1/cs558tor to get all the starter code. Then, run a copy of the virtual Tor network with the following commands:

# Make sure Docker is running and ...
docker run -p 5000-5005:5000-5005 -p 7000-7005:7000-7005 -it gkaptchuk/cs558tor22 bash

It will download an Alpine Linux Docker image with Tor Chutney and Nyx installed on it, and then instantiate it in interactive mode with the onion routing ports mapped to your host network. Chutney is already configured with 3 directory authorities, 3 guard and middle nodes, and 3 exit nodes. This test net is quite small, so be sure not to accidentally route through the same node twice, or you will fail a handshake.

Be aware, that on macOS, you may find that one of these ports is already in use. You can free up this port by turning off AirPlay Receiver in your system preferences

The client code you are going to be running is in Python. I suggest you set up a virtual environment in order to test everything. Everything in this assignment will be for Python 3. You are going to need the following packages: cffi and cryptography. They can be installed as follows:

# Python Tor client dependencies
pip install cffi cryptography  # Make sure you have these two libraries installed.

At this point you should be ready to start playing with your code.

Note: The first time you connect, it may take up to 10 seconds to download the Tor consensus (table of routers) from the 3 nodes serving as directory authorities. You can watch this full process being logged within Nyx.


Review Questions (10 pts)

In your own words, what is the difference between data and metadata? What metadata do TLS and encrypted email leak? Give us an imagined scenario for each of these protocols where this information leakages could have serious ramifications.

List and explain 2 benefits of using three nodes in a Tor circuit rather than simply using a single proxy server.

Setting up a Tor Circuit (40 pts)

Recall from class that Tor creates circuits in a telescoping fashion: first the client creates a connection with the guard node using the CREATE cell, then proxies through the guard node to connect to the middle node with an EXTEND cell, and then finally proxies through both to connect to the exit node with an EXTEND cell. From there, it can initiate a TCP connection on the far side of the circuit using the BEGIN cell. Finally, the client can start sending traffic to the server using the RELAY cell.

In this task you are going to be implementing the client side logic to get this all working. We have provided you skeleton code in telescoping_circuit.py. There a bunch of helper functions that will help you abstractions away some of the trickier parts (eg. the detail of the actual crypto).

Concretely, you are expected to make your code do the following things:

  • Create a circuit through the virtual Tor network using the CREATE cell and two EXTEND cells
  • Open a new TCP stream using the BEGIN cell
  • Send an HTTP GET to a url which specified as command line parameter
  • Dump the HTML that you get in return to a file (name supplied on the command line)

You should be looking to fill in the contents of the following functions:

def get(*url, **optional_addresses)

def circuit_from_guard(guard_router, circuit_id)

def circuit_build_hops(circuit, middle_router, exit_router)

def extend(circuit, node_router)

We would like your code to be runnable in two modes: in the RANDOM mode, it should generate a random circuit from the list of nodes extracted from the directory service. In the SPECIFIC mode, we should be able to give you a list of 3 node identifiers on the command line, and your code should open a circuit through those specific nodes.

We will run your code with the following interfaces

python telescoping_circuit.py --mode random --url http://example.com --outfile filename.txt
python telescoping_circuit.py --mode specific --guard --middle --exit --url http://example.com --outfile filename.txt

For specific mode, we will ensure that we are passing IP addresses that are valid nodes in the virtual network.

Connecting to a Hidden Service (40 pts)

Now that you can make circuits, we are going to use them to build connections to Tor hidden services in our virtual Tor network. First, take the web server program we give you in a docker. This is going to be the hidden service server, and when you run ./start.sh it will start accepting requests send to its address: http://erppk6uy6eaxjbnx.onion. The rest of the network is set up the same as the previous part. Note there is an added -hs in cs558tor22-hs in the command for the network with a hidden service.

docker run -p 5000-5005:5000-5005 -p 7000-7005:7000-7005 -it gkaptchuk/cs558tor22-hs bash

To connect to our hidden service, you will need to do 4 things:

  • Take an already built 3-hop circuit (like you made in part 1) and connect a TCP stream
  • Find out which nodes are designated as introduction points for the hidden service
  • Implement the TAP handshake and use it at an introduction point to agree upon a rendezvous point
  • Have the client connect the rendezvous point through the extended circuit and request a web page from the hidden service

We have set up all the hidden service code, so it will be ready to go. All you have to do is fill in the appropriate functions in the hidden_service.py file. Note that all the code for this part is separate from the code from the part above — you don't need to re-use any code, and you may even begin part 2 before finishing part 1 if you'd like. You should fill in code for

def get(hs_name, port, path, live)

def extend_to_hidden(circuit, hidden_service)

def set_up_intro_point(base_circuit, introduction_point_router, rendezvous_point_router, hidden_service, rendezvous_cookie)

In the third function, you are interacting with the introduction point. Follow the comments in the code and look at the spec (both the full and rendezvous versions) to understand that process.

You can test you code by directing the client to erppk6uy6eaxjbnx.onion:

python hidden_service.py --mode random --url http://erppk6uy6eaxjbnx.onion --outfile filename.txt

Point your code at live Tor (10 pts)

All the code that you have written in this assignment is real Tor code -- it will work with real Tor! To celebrate that, you will actually be pointing your code at live Tor. To do you, you can either generate a specific circuit through live Tor, or just get the consensus from live Tor.

For this second option, just query in curl or any web browser. IPs with ports 7000-7002 on our virtual network are the directory authorities who form the official consensus. You can find a copy of the real consensus at which is the Tor authority managed by MIT. TorPy handles this all automatically. Take a quick look, but don't worry about handling this document in your code.

To go live, either pass the --live flag to hidden_service.py, or pass the parameter use_local_directories=True to the TorClient constructor in telescoping_circuit.py.

First, use telescoping_circuit.py to connect to example.com through the real network. To get an idea of the overhead, please time how long it takes to get a response (see the time utility). Please send us in a zip your logs for the 10 runs and the timing information you collected. Please include the log for the i^th run in a file called log_i.log (eg. log_7.log) and the timing information in a file time_i.txt (eg. time_7.txt)

Either modify telescoping_circuit.py, or run it repeatedly to generate 10 or more circuits to example.com on the live Tor network. Be sure to save your log.

Finally, use your code in hidden_service.py to request http://expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion 10 times, and save the response html and header content into a file. Also, as before, time the interaction to see how long it took. Please send us in a zip (1) your logs, (2) the html response you get back each time, and (3) the timing information you collected. Please include the log for the i^th run in a file called log_i.log (eg. log_7.log), the timing information in a file time_i.txt (eg. time_7.txt), and the response you get as response_i.html (eg. response_7.html)

Deliverables, Checklist

Task 1

  • PDF file with anwsers to the review questions.

Task 2

  • Python script telescoping_circuit.py

  • Brief writeup explaining your code (no more than 200 words)

Tasks 3

  • Python script hidden_service.py

  • Brief writeup explaining your code (no more than 200 words)

Tasks 4

  • Zip drive containing your files for connecting to example.com

  • Zip drive containing your files for connecting to http://expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion