
Automatically generate bare sequelize json models from your database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sequelize-Auto-Json is a command line interface generating json models for SequelizeJS.

Add Functions of converting existing database to json file.

Inspired and modified from ozzysun.


npm install -g sequelize-auto-json


The correct dialect npm dtatbase binding are included with sequelize-auto-json.


[node] sequelize-auto -h <host> -d <database> -u <user> -x [password] -p [port]  --dialect [dialect] -c [/path/to/config] -o [/path/to/models] -t [tableName] -C

  -h, --host        IP/Hostname for the database.   [required]
  -d, --database    Database name.                  [required]
  -u, --user        Username for database.
  -x, --pass        Password for database.
  -p, --port        Port number for database.
  -c, --config      JSON file for Sequelize's constructor "options" flag object as defined here: https://sequelize.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api/sequelize/
  -o, --output      What directory to place the models.
  -e, --dialect     The dialect/engine that you're using: postgres, mysql, mssql
  -a, --additional  Path to a json file containing model definitions (for all tables) which are to be defined within a model's configuration parameter. For more info: https://sequelize.readthedocs.org/en/latest/docs/models-definition/#configuration
  -t, --tables      Comma-separated names of tables to import
  -T, --skip-tables Comma-separated names of tables to skip
  -C, --camel       Use camel case to name models and fields
  -n, --no-write    Prevent writing the models to disk.
  -s, --schema      Database schema from which to retrieve tables
  -z, --typescript  Output models as typescript with a definitions file.
  -j  --json        Export json format model

Use Json Option

  • Create Json
sequelize-auto-json -o "./models" -d dbName -h localhost -u username -p 3306 -x yourpassword -e mysql -j
  • Build model from json
const { getModel } = require('./node_modules/sequelize/lib/utils')
const model = await getModel(sequelize, jsonfilePath)
  • json file format
    "tableName": "models"
    "id": {
      "type": "DataTypes.INTEGER(11)",
      "allowNull": false,
      "primaryKey": true,
      "comment": "null",
      "autoIncrement": true
    "dbname": {
      "type": "DataTypes.STRING(45)",
      "allowNull": false,
      "autoIncrement": false,
      "comment": "null"
    "tablename": {
      "type": "DataTypes.STRING(45)",
      "allowNull": false,
      "autoIncrement": false,
      "comment": "null"
    "weekday": {
      "type": "DataTypes.ENUM(\"Sun\",\"Mon\",\"Tues\",\"Wed\",\"Thur\",\"Fri\",\"Sat\")",
      "allowNull": false,
      "autoIncrement": false,
      "comment": "null"
    "createdDate": {
      "type": "DataTypes.DATE",
      "allowNull": true,
      "defaultValue": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
      "autoIncrement": false,
      "comment": "null"

Which makes it easy for you to simply Sequelize.import it.

Configuration options

For the -c, --config option the following JSON/configuration parameters are defined by Sequelize's options flag within the constructor. For more info:
